- 1. My philosophy is to try a little of everything but not over-indulge.
- 我的人生哲学就是:每样事物都尝试一点,但不要过度沉迷。
- 2. It's working on the sleep, eating better is definitely key. You over-indulge.
- 很多人觉得在该睡觉时还在工作,吃的好点是最基本的,此时你已经对自己有些放纵了。
- 3. According to researchers at Cornell University, in the U. S., eating so-called 'low fat,' versions of snack foods only serves to encourage people to over-indulge.
- 根据美国康奈尔大学研究人员,吃所谓“低脂”快餐食品只会导致人们更加放纵饮食。
- 4. The clamour to give children better school dinners is all very well, but future mothers need to be aware that pregnancy is not the time to over-indulge on sugary-fatty treats.
- 但是以后的母亲需要注意到妊娠期间并不是她们在高糖和高脂肪饮食上过渡放纵自己的时候。
- 5. At that time the Japanese male high school students are obsessed with comic books, so many people over-indulge in comic books in the virtual world, resulting in socially obstacles.
- 由于当时日本的男中学生都沉迷于漫画,以至于有不少人过分沉迷于漫画里的虚拟世界,造成社交上的障碍。
- 6. Laws influence attitudes over time, she says, by denying those with prejudices the opportunity to indulge them.
- 随着时间,法律会影响态度,断绝那些心存偏见的人放任偏见的机会。
- 7. UBS excepted, Switzerland did not indulge in an Anglo-Saxon-style speculative boom over the past decade. But it is suffering nevertheless.
- 瑞银(UBS)除外,过去十年里,瑞士并没有从盎格鲁-撒克逊式的投机热潮中受益,可现在仍受到连累,苦不堪言。
- 8. Use a Natural Face WashOne of the biggest mistake most people who get pimples do is that they indulge in over washing their face.
- 大多数人在有痘痘的时候会过度的洗脸,这是最大的错误之一。
- 9. My philosophy is to try a little of everything but not over - indulge.
- 我的人生哲学就是:每样事物都尝试一点,但不要过度沉迷。
- 10. Don't over indulge; this is not your last meal. And don't ask to finish anyone else's food.
- 不要暴饮暴食,这不是最后一顿饭,也不要帮别人解决食物。
- 11. Long, long time ago, when a swan flew over my home, let me indulge her posture, her beautiful shadows to blood coagulation, when she gently fly away, I actually forgot to say my wish.
- 很久很久以前,当一只天鹅飞过我的家,她的身姿让我沉醉,她美丽的倩影让血液凝固,当她轻轻飞走,我竟然忘记了说出我的心愿。
- 12. Indulge in sumptuous Cantonese and Chiu Chow cuisines, live seafood, famous traditional Chinese dishes with over ten private during rooms, available for luncheons and dinners or celebrations.
- 荟萃了潮州菜,粤菜,海鲜及传统南北地方名菜.逾十几间风景雅阁.无论是商务宴请或亲朋小聚,必然令您宾主尽欢.。
- 13. Due to the existence of high-level stress jobs, maximum people all over the world eat a lot of fast food and do not indulge in a healthy balanced diet.
- 由于高度紧张的工作的存在,世界上大量的人们吃很多的快餐并且没有沉溺于与一个健康均衡的饮食。
- 14. Due to the existence of high-level stress jobs, maximum people all over the world eat a lot of fast food and do not indulge in a healthy balanced diet.
- 由于高度紧张的工作的存在,世界上大量的人们吃很多的快餐并且没有沉溺于与一个健康均衡的饮食。