- 1. The only way to atone for being occasionally a little overdressed is by being always absolutely over-educated.
- 只有一个办法可以弥补偶尔衣着有点过火的错失,那就是永远地、绝对地读书过多。
- 2. The capital remains a city deeply pided between over-educated white itinerants and under-educated black locals.
- 这座都市仍然是一座在受过充分教育的外来白种人和受教育不足的本地黑人之间存在着明显差异的城市。
- 3. There is nothing like the suggestion of a cancer risk to scare a parent, especially one of the over-educated, eco-conscious type.
- 没有什么事情比有得癌症的迹象更让父母感到害怕的了,尤其对于受到过度教育、对生态环境敏感的那种人来说。
- 4. How is it that graduates are over-educated for the jobs they land and employers are complaining that there is a shortage of highly skilled labor?
- 毕业生接受过度教育来适应所求职业,而老板们却正在抱怨高级技术工人稀缺,这又作何解释呢?
- 5. The study included healthy, educated adults who took standard tests of memory, reasoning and perception at the outset and at some point over the next seven years.
- 这项研究的对象是健康的、受过教育的成年人,他们在开始阶段和后续七年里的某个时候接受了记忆、推理和感知的标准测试。
- 6. Over the centuries it became something every educated person "knew" was a violation.
- 几个世纪过后,就变成了每一个受过教育的人“知道”的错误。
- 7. Women, now better educated and with greater control over their fertility, are in the marketplace, too, and married couples have more money, more leisure time and longer lives to spend together.
- 现在,受过良好教育以及对自己的生育力有更好的控制的女性也在职场中打拼,结了婚的夫妻有了更多的钱,更多的闲暇时间以及更长寿的生命来一起度过。
- 8. Mr Obama has not only solidified his hold over his core constituents—blacks, the young, independents and educated white liberals.
- 奥巴马不仅紧密的团结了黑人、青年人、中立选民以及受过良好教育的白人自由党人作为他的核心选民,而且成功地瓦解了希拉里的联盟:在弗吉尼亚他获得了52%白人选民的支持,而希拉里只获得了47%;
- 9. Increasingly, an educated and skilled Labour force is in tight supply the world over.
- 在全球范围内,受过教育且技术熟练的劳动力日益紧缺。
- 10. People with higher levels of education earn more, have more control over their fertility, and have healthier and better-educated children.
- 受教育程度高的人收入更高,更能控制其生育,也会有更加健康、受教育状况更好的下一代。
- 11. NIA expects to see a new trend of Americans seeking to become educated cheaply over the Internet.
- NIA希望看到美国人通过互联网寻找接受廉价教育的新趋势。
- 12. Girogi Meladze, a U.S.-educated lawyer working at the center, says Russian jets dropped bombs over Gori day and night for a week, forcing residents to flee to the hills above the city.
- 在这个中心工作的梅拉加泽是一位在美国受教育的律师。他说,俄罗斯飞机曾在一星期里昼夜不停地向哥里扔炸弹,迫使当地居民逃到附近的山上去。
- 13. Although state television has enormous sway over older Russians, the young, urban and educated get their news and views from the Internet, which remains largely free of Kremlin propaganda.
- 尽管国家电视台在年级较长的俄罗斯人力影响巨大,年轻人、居住在城市的人以及受过教育的人则通过互联网获得新闻和观点,这些基本不受克里姆林宫宣传的控制。
- 14. They had educated themselves many times over, proved theorems, and acquired and abandoned artistic sensibilities and skills.
- 在不同的地方,他们一次又一次的接受教育,证明定理,获得艺术灵感和技巧后将其抛弃。
- 15. Having more control over their working lives is particularly important for educated, creative people.
- 对于教育良好、有创造性的人才来说,能否更多掌控自己的工作生活显得尤为重要。
- 16. A group of educated young men and women soon took over the tribe's businesses and have since expanded the reservation's two hotels and river-rafting offerings.
- 一群年轻的男女在接管部落的业务之后,接着就扩建了部落的两家酒店。
- 17. Although productivity has grown significantly over the past 15 or so years, median hourly compensation has not — for either group, college educated or high school educated.
- 虽然生产力在过去15年间有了显著增长,小时工资却没有同步提升——无论是高中毕业生还是大学毕业生。
- 18. So much could be corrected in the world if girls were educated and had power over their lives.
- 如果女孩受到教育并可以掌控自己的生活,那么就可以纠正世界上的很多问题。
- 19. Tony had a first-rate education and this gave him an advantage over boys who had not been well educated.
- 托尼曾受过的一流的教育,这一点使他较之未受良好教育的孩子们占有优势。
- 20. Poorly educated men in rich countries have had difficulty coping with the enormous changes in the Labour market and the home over the past half-century.
- 在过去的半个世纪里,发达国家里的受教育程度低的男性已经非常难应对发生了巨变的劳工市场和家庭。
- 21. The process of being educated formally, especially education constituting a planned series of courses over a number of years.
- 学校教育,正规教育:正式受教育的过程,尤指由一系列历经数年的、有计划的课程组成的教育。
- 22. Poorly educated men in rich countries have had difficulty coping with the enormous changes in the labour market and the home over the past half-century.
- 富裕国家里受教育程度低的男性很难应对过去半个世纪里发生在劳动力市场和家庭的巨变。
- 23. Over the same period, there was an increase in lung cancer mortality in less educated white women and an increase in the colon cancer death rate in less educated black men.
- 在同一时期内,教育程度较低的白人女性肺癌死亡率上升,教育程度较低的黑人男性结肠癌死亡率上升。
- 24. I got educated on placer mining, and heard all about the controversy over the use of water cannons.
- 我得到的教育砂金开采,并听取了所有的争议,使用水炮。
- 25. The wealthiest and, not coincidentally, best-educated among us now enjoy advantages over the middle class and the working poor unseen since the burnished indifference of the Golden age.
- 最有钱的人,不是巧合的,也正是我们之中受到最好教育的,他们现在正享受着超越中产阶级和看不见得的贫穷大众的优势,自从黄金时代的光亮的无差别开始。
- 26. If they are not wealthy, educated or employed, they are often ordered about by relatives - cleaning, washing, cooking and watching over small children.
- 如果没钱、没文化或没工作,她们经常被亲戚们使唤——打扫屋子、洗衣服、做饭外加带孩子。
- 27. If they are not wealthy, educated or employed, they are often ordered about by relatives - cleaning, washing, cooking and watching over small children.
- 如果没钱、没文化或没工作,她们经常被亲戚们使唤——打扫屋子、洗衣服、做饭外加带孩子。