- 1. Most of the crash victims were killed outright.
- 飞机坠毁的遇难者大都是立即惨死。
- 2. The further away an idea is from your current position, the more likely you are to reject it outright.
- 一个观点离你目前所处的位置越远,你就越有可能彻底否决它。
- 3. It is symptomatic of the swing between the outright rejection and qualified acceptance of the medium that was fairly typical of the artistic establishment.
- 它显现了在彻底拒绝和有条件地接受这一媒介的两者之间的摇摆不定,而这正是艺术机构的典型特征。
- 4. However, such issues would be better addressed by changing school and state policies with regard to the scheduling of sporting events as opposed to outright elimination.
- 然而,通过改变体育赛事安排方面的学校和州的政策,而不是彻底取消它,这些问题会得到更好的解决。
- 5. New York Times restaurant critic Frank Bruni characterizes the new restaurant demeanor as "extreme solicitousness tinged with outright desperation." "You need to hug the customer," one owner told him.
- 《纽约时报》的餐厅评论家弗兰克·布鲁尼将这家新餐厅的风格描述为“极度关怀中夹杂着彻底的绝望”。一位店主对他说:“你应该拥抱一下顾客。”
- 6. Neither candidate won outright.
- 两个候选人谁也没干脆利落地获胜。
- 7. She was the outright winner.
- 她是绝对的优胜者。
- 8. The peace plan wasn't rejected outright.
- 该和平计划没有被全盘否定。
- 9. She had failed to win an outright victory.
- 她没能大获全胜。
- 10. There was outright opposition to the plan.
- 该计划遭到公开直接反对。
- 11. Why don't you ask him outright if it's true?
- 你为什么不直截了当地问他那是否属实?
- 12. Kawaguchi finally resorted to an outright lie.
- 川口最后干脆公开撒谎。
- 13. She couldn't help herself and she laughed outright.
- 她忍不住大笑起来。
- 14. We had saved enough money to buy the house outright.
- 我们存了足够的钱,能一次付清款项买下这所房子。
- 15. No one party is expected to gain an outright majority.
- 没有任何政党可望获得绝对多数。
- 16. Why are you so mysterious? Why don't you tell me outright?
- 你为什么这么神神秘秘?为什么不直截了当地告诉我?
- 17. The group rejects outright any negotiations with the government.
- 这个团体断然拒绝与政府进行任何谈判。
- 18. An aide was already spinning the senator's defeat as 'almost as good as an outright win'.
- 一名助手已经开始将那位参议员的失败描述成“几乎是大获全胜”。
- 19. There is an outright separatist party but it only scored around about 10 percent in the vote.
- 有一个极端分离主义党派,但是该党在选举中只取得了大约10%的选票。
- 20. A recent Gallup poll suggests that no political group is likely to win an outright majority in the next Salvadoran parliament.
- 一份近期的盖洛普民意测验显示,没有一个政治团体能在下一届萨尔瓦多议会中占据绝对多数席位。
- 21. People avoid disagreeing outright with someone of a higher rank.
- 人们会避免直接与更高级别的人产生分歧。
- 22. For example, people avoid disagreeing outright with someone of a higher rank.
- 例如,人们避免直截了当地与上级意见起冲突。
- 23. This is ambitious in any circumstances, and in a pided and unequal society the two ideals can clash outright.
- 在任何情况下,这两种理想都难以实现,并且在一个分裂的和不平等的社会中,它们可能直接发生冲突。
- 24. These ranged from "sensory leakage"—where clues about the pictures accidentally reach the receiver—to outright fraud.
- 其中包括“感官泄露”——接受者意外地获得了有关图像的线索——延伸到彻头彻尾的欺骗。
- 25. She’s not outright crazy or mean.
- 她也不是完完全全疯狂或者卑鄙的。
- 26. She's not outright crazy or mean.
- 她也不是完完全全疯狂或者卑鄙的。
- 27. I could buy a place outright.
- 我可以痛快的买个地方住。
- 28. The third path was outright default.
- 第三条途径就是公然违约。
- 29. But Armstrong dismissed the idea outright.
- 但是阿姆斯特朗却完全否认此种说法。
- 30. But Armstrong dismissed the idea outright.
- 但是阿姆斯特朗却完全否认此种说法。