- 1. The orchestra has grown in stature.
- 这支管弦乐队的声望有所提高。
- 2. Masur led the orchestra with assurance.
- 马苏尔很有信心地带领了那个管弦乐队。
- 3. The orchestra did Beethoven no favours.
- 这个交响乐团没有把贝多芬的乐曲演奏好。
- 4. The orchestra played with great panache.
- 管弦乐队神气十足地演奏着。
- 5. She plays the flute in the school orchestra.
- 她在校管弦乐队里吹长笛。
- 6. The orchestra played with evident enjoyment.
- 管弦乐队演奏得兴致勃勃。
- 7. I played the trumpet in the school orchestra.
- 我在学校管弦乐队吹小号。
- 8. The orchestra was tuning up as we entered the hall.
- 我们进入音乐厅时,管弦乐队正在调音。
- 9. It is a scandal that such a large town has no orchestra.
- 这么大一座城市,竟然没有一支管弦乐队,真是说不过去。
- 10. The orchestra played Mozart's Symphony No. 35 in D Major.
- 该管弦乐队演奏了莫扎特D大调第35交响曲。
- 11. The orchestra is very important for the cultural life of the city.
- 管弦乐队对这座城市的文化生活而言非常重要。
- 12. The orchestra has more discipline now, but at the expense of spirit.
- 该管弦乐队现在更有纪律了,但却牺牲了士气。
- 13. Under its new conductor, the orchestra has established an international reputation.
- 在新指挥的领导下,这个乐团建立了国际声誉。
- 14. Where would the orchestra be playing?
- 管弦乐队会在哪里演奏呢?
- 15. My fiance is the leader of the orchestra.
- 我的未婚夫是这个管弦乐团的指挥。
- 16. The Orchestra will play at Memorial Hall.
- 管弦乐队将在纪念堂演奏。
- 17. With another leap, he was on the orchestra leader's head.
- 他又一跳,跳到乐队指挥的头上。
- 18. I always dreamed of becoming the conductor of an orchestra.
- 我一直梦想成为管弦乐队的指挥。
- 19. At home, I was the youngest member of our community orchestra.
- 在家乡,我是我们社区管弦乐队最年轻的成员。
- 20. We have a pretty great orchestra here that you can take for credit, as like a class.
- 我们这里有一个非常棒的管弦乐队,加入其中你还可以获得学分,就像上课一样。
- 21. It is time for the city of Grandview to stop funding the Grandview Symphony Orchestra.
- 现在是格兰德维尤停止资助格兰德维尤交响乐团的时候了。
- 22. Acid rock could never be played by acoustic guitars and a symphony orchestra, could it?
- 迷幻摇滚乐从来就不能由原声吉他和一个交响乐团来演奏,不是吗?
- 23. It's the first performance of the State Symphony Orchestra in our city, so suit and tie is a must.
- 这是国家交响乐团在我们市的首场演出,所以穿西装打领带是必须的。
- 24. The sense of unalloyed power we often take from his music is a result, not of the weight of orchestra sound.
- 我们常常从他的音乐中获得纯粹的力量,这并非来自管弦乐队宏大的音量。
- 25. The Orchestra plays at Memorial Hall at 1406 Elm Street, which offers several concerts from March through June.
- 乐团在榆树街1406号的纪念馆演出,该纪念馆从三月到六月举办好几场音乐会。
- 26. Turning toward the audience, he pointed to the rear of the orchestra, yelling wildly at the same time: "Look, look!"
- 他转向观众,指着乐队的后方,同时疯狂地大喊:“看,看!”
- 27. Jazz was in its heyday back then, and when she got out of the conservatory, she was invited to join a jazz orchestra.
- 那时爵士乐正处于鼎盛时期,她从音乐学院毕业时,受邀加入了一个爵士乐团。
- 28. For these reasons, we recommend that the city eliminate funding for the Grandview Symphony Orchestra from next year's budget.
- 由于这些原因,我们建议市政府从明年的预算中取消对美景交响乐团的资助。
- 29. A number of established traditional Chinese music performers will play solos as well as collaborate with the folk music orchestra.
- 一些著名的中国传统音乐演奏家将进行独奏,同时也会与民间音乐管弦乐队合作演奏。
- 30. In its first function as WHO Goodwill Ambassador, a quartet from the Orchestra performed this morning at the opening of the World Health Assembly.
- 作为世卫组织亲善大使的第一个职能,该乐团的一个四重奏小组今天上午在世界卫生大会开幕式上进行了演出。