- 1. To train a rat, the experimenter placed it in an operant conditioning chamber: a small plastic box with a lever at one end.
- 为了训练小鼠,实验人员把它放在一个操作性条件反射室:一个一端置有操作杆的塑料箱。
- 2. Operant conditioning occurs all throughout games.
- 行为条件贯穿在整个游戏中。
- 3. Operant behavior can be used to strengthen control.
- 操作行为可以利用强化加以控制。
- 4. You need to train a pig and you need to do so through operant conditioning.
- 你需要运用操作性条件作用来训练一头猪。
- 5. Operant conditioning forms an association between a behavior and a consequence.
- 增强训练法就是行为和结果之间的联系。
- 6. Objective To study the effects of aging on operant learning and retention in rats.
- 目的研究年龄增长对大鼠操作行为学习和记忆的影响。
- 7. There are two corollaries of operant conditioning "Aversion therapy and desensitization."
- 使事情发生动作的条件有2种推论,厌恶疗法及减敏。
- 8. Every cat with an owner, for instance, is running a small - scale study in operant conditioning.
- 例如,每一只有主人的猫都在进行有关操作性的小规模研究。
- 9. The third and final type of learning is known as operant conditioning or instrumental conditioning.
- 第三种,也是最后一种学习类型,叫做作操作性条件作用,或是工具性条件作用。
- 10. So, to illustrate Skinnerian theory in operant conditioning, I'll give an example of training a pig.
- 为了说明斯金纳的操作性条件作用理论,我会给大家举一个训练猪的例子。
- 11. This experiment is to establish the operant conditioning in a conditioning box by training rabbits.
- 本实验是在条件反射箱内训练家兔建立操作式条件反射。
- 12. Operant conditioning concerns the relationship between the behavior of organisms and their environment.
- 即由个体的操作行为而形成的条件作用。
- 13. Operant conditioning research has led to the rise of the program of teaching, and to provide a theoretical basis.
- 操作性条件反射的研究导致了程序教学的兴起,并为之提供了理论基础。
- 14. Our results showed also that the schedules of operant conditioning could display the inpidual variation very well.
- 本研究结果还表明操作行为测定能显示个体差异。
- 15. The term operant, refers to the fact that a person learns something through responding, or operating on the environment.
- 动作这个术语,指的是人通过作出反应对事物的认知情况或者对环境的操作情况。
- 16. Wistar rats were trained to establish operant defense conditioning until the rats reached the criterion of consolidation.
- 通过微计算机,训练大鼠建立巩固的操作式防御性条件反射。
- 17. Part of the problem with using operant conditioning with babies is it's difficult to get them to behave in any systematic way.
- 应用操作性条件作用的部分问题在于,很难使婴儿们按照系统的方式行动。
- 18. Now, according to sort of a simple-minded view of operant conditioning in behaviorist psychology, the children you reward should do it more.
- 根据简单的,行为心理学的操作性条件反射观点来看,拿到奖励的小孩应该会画更多画。
- 19. If we want to control the risk of the supply chain, we must improve the share of co operant information and limit the action of corporations.
- 并根据供应链风险产生的根源提出相应的管理措施,指出供应链的风险控制要从提高供应链的信息透明度和规范企业行为两方面进行着手。
- 20. In technical terms marker training is operant conditioning. Operant conditioning has been around for years. It is how Dolphins are trained at sea world.
- 响片训练用专业术语说是“增强训练法”。增强训练法已经被使用多年。在海洋馆里海豚就是使用这种方法训练的。
- 21. Something that takes two inputs, a left operant - and a right operant and it just returns a Boolean value is-- or rather it returns a left to right value.
- 它有两个输入,一个是左边的作用物,一个是右边的作用物,然后返回一个布尔值-,或者更确切地说, 返回一个从左到右的值。
- 22. And more generally, the problem is you can talk about what other people do in terms of reinforcement and punishment and operant conditioning and classical conditioning.
- 更加一般性的问题便是,你可以用强化和惩罚,操作性条件作用,以及经典条件作用之类的术语,来解释他人的行为。
- 23. As the kea was trained in color discriminations tasks, I took immense satisfaction from watching the operant condition in action and enjoyed applying my knowledge in the lab.
- 在训练鹦鹉辨别色彩的同时,我从观察受控对象中得到的极大的满足,并且我享受着在实验室里应用自己知识的过程。
- 24. Later on, you need to learn how to develop the operant conditioning method into a reinforcement schedule, so that you'll know when it's appropriate to give out good and bad rewards for things.
- 稍后,你需要学习怎样在强化日程表中增加行为条件,以便你知道什么时候应该提供好或坏的回报。
- 25. The actual tests would employ the well-honed methods of operant conditioning, developed initially on pigeons, in which the test subject has first to work out what is going on by trial and error.
- 实际的测试会采用精确的操作性条件反射方法,测试对象首先要清楚实验的过程和错误。
- 26. The actual tests would employ the well-honed methods of operant conditioning, developed initially on pigeons, in which the test subject has first to work out what is going on by trial and error.
- 实际的测试会采用精确的操作性条件反射方法,测试对象首先要清楚实验的过程和错误。