- 1. Bang and pop are onomatopoeic words.
- bang和pop是拟声词。
- 2. A word which imitates the sound of a thing or an action is called an onomatopoeic.
- 象声词是模拟、表示物体或动作声音的词。
- 3. Words that imitate sounds are called onomatopoeic words. Here are twenty common onomatopoeias.
- 模仿声音的词汇叫做拟声词。以下是二十个拟声词。
- 4. OinkWords that imitate sounds are called onomatopoeic words. Here are twenty common onomatopoeias.
- 模仿声音的词汇叫做拟声词。以下是二十个拟声词。
- 5. Onomatopoeic words with AB pattern and their different construction own different grammar meaning .
- AB式及其不同重叠形式的拟声词表示的语法意义不同。
- 6. The essay is about the onomatopoeic words and mimicry words in Japanese, discuses their use and origin.
- 本文论述了日语中的拟声词和拟态词的来源和用法。
- 7. For onomatopoeic words, there does exist a certain connection between the signifier and the corresponding signified.
- 拟声词的能指和所指之间的关系并不是完全任意的。
- 8. Now, in a hastily arranged cooking lesson, they are teaching me how to make their rather onomatopoeic "s'mores brownies".
- 如今,在一个仓促安排的烹饪课上,他们将教我如何制作他们颇为拟声的“S'more布朗尼”。
- 9. John: It's onomatopoeic! A word that is onomatopoeic is a word that, when spoken, resembles the sound that something makes.
- 象声词, 显然,就是字的发音和事物本身的发出的声音类似。
- 10. With dynamic and cubic shapes, the onomatopoeic terms in English and Chinese can attain the actual and expressive rhetorical results.
- 英汉拟声词具有动态感和立体感,可达到声情并茂的修辞效果。
- 11. The nearly onomatopoeic word for that panicky hesitation just before you have to introduce someone whose name you can't quite remember.
- 这个近乎拟声的词语是用来形容正当你要介绍某人却忘记了人家名字的那一刻前,你能想到的恐慌迟疑。
- 12. Based on the comparison with other lexicon, this paper probes into the speciality of modern Chinese Onomatopoeic words from various angles.
- 本文在与其他词类进行比较的基础上,从多个角度探索了象声词的特殊性。
- 13. Due to differences in sound sources, different types of onomatopoeic verbs have different meaning extensions and incorporate different semantic components.
- 不同种类的拟声动词由于声音起因不同体现出不同的词义引申规律和词义兼容特征。
- 14. Shosholoza Meyl is an onomatopoeic name from a popular song sung by local railwaymen, and South Africa's railways have certainly played their part in the nation's history.
- Shosholoza Meyl 出自当地铁路工人很喜欢的一首歌曲的谐音,南非的铁路在这个国家的历史里扮演了重要的角色。
- 15. In addition, from the state Onomatopoeic words of study, which summarizes the study states Onomatopoeic words, Learning Japanese, and even personal experience and methods.
- 此外,还从拟声拟态词的研究学习中总结出学习拟声拟态词,乃至学习日语的个人经验和方法。
- 16. The targets of this paper are to find out the commons in and the differences between Chinese and Korean onomatopoeic words, and then try to use those characteristics in specific works.
- 本论文的研究目的就是在汉朝拟声词的对比当中找出其共性和区别,而且把这些特点应用在的具体作品的翻译中。
- 17. The whooper swan, like its onomatopoeic Cousins, the whistling and the trumpeter, belongs to an elegant society of sisters; the mute, Bewick's, black, and black-necked fill out the ranks.
- 大天鹅与它们喜欢唱歌的表姊妹小天鹅和号手天鹅同属一个体态优雅的鸟类大家庭;而不唱歌的比尤伊克天鹅、黑天鹅和黑颈天鹅也是这个家族的成员。
- 18. The whooper swan, like its onomatopoeic Cousins, the whistling and the trumpeter, belongs to an elegant society of sisters; the mute, Bewick's, black, and black-necked fill out the ranks.
- 大天鹅与它们喜欢唱歌的表姊妹小天鹅和号手天鹅同属一个体态优雅的鸟类大家庭;而不唱歌的比尤伊克天鹅、黑天鹅和黑颈天鹅也是这个家族的成员。