- 1. But five years ago researchers working for the WWF found okapi tracks in the wild.
- 但是5年之前为wwf工作的研究员在野外发现okapi的踪迹。
- 2. Maiko, a three-month-old baby okapi, stands next to its mother Lomela during its first public appearance at Frankfurt zoo.
- 德国法兰克福动物园,一只三个月大的霍加皮(一种非洲鹿)站在它的妈妈旁边,这是它第一次同观众见面。
- 3. Then explorers discovered the gorilla, the okapi, the pygmy hippo, the giant panda and the Komodo dragon, among many others.
- 熟料他话音未落,探险家们就陆续发现了大猩猩、霍加皮鹿、俾格米河马、大熊猫以及科莫多龙等许许多多的大型四足动物,用铁一般的事实反驳了他的论断。
- 4. The reserve contains threatened species of primates and birds and about 5,000 of the estimated 30,000 okapi surviving in the wild.
- 保护区内生存着许多濒危的灵长目类和鸟类动物。目前幸存的野生俄卡皮鹿有30 000头,其中5 000头栖息在这个保护区。
- 5. Despite these reservations, some fine courageous stations do now serve the region-such as Radio Okapi, broadcasting from Congo; two of its journalists have been killed.
- 虽有各方持保留意见,有些勇敢的电台现就在为本地区广播,如刚果的Okapi广播电台;这家电台已经有两名记者惨遭杀害。
- 6. Despite these reservations, some fine courageous stations do now serve the region-such as Radio Okapi, broadcasting from Congo; two of its journalists have been killed.
- 虽有各方持保留意见,有些勇敢的电台现就在为本地区广播,如刚果的Okapi广播电台;这家电台已经有两名记者惨遭杀害。