- 1. Another way that men bond with each other is by telling off-color jokes and stories.
- 另外一种男人间的打交道方式就是说低俗的笑话或故事。
- 2. The CSS file defines an off-color background and font that I think make it easy to read.
- 这个CSS文件定义了一个颜色一般的背景色和一种很便于阅读的字体。
- 3. The drawings may be animal figures, caricatures of fellow workmen, or off-color pictures.
- 其中所描绘的,大多是动物的形象、工友的漫画,或粗俗下流的图片等。
- 4. Olson recalled a candidate for a communications executive position who rubbed an employer in the wrong way with an off-color joke.
- 奥尔森提到,以前有一个应聘者申请通讯类的一个管理岗位,结果却用一个粗俗的笑话把老板惹毛了。
- 5. While some of us take the higher ground, others revel in off-color jokes and nitpicking the different ways the iPad will be Apple's biggest mistake ever.
- 有的人站的角度比较高,有的人则沉醉于低俗的恶搞中,并吹毛求疵地称iPad将是苹果最大的败笔。
- 6. Be careful, though-there is a fine line between off-color jokes and harassment, and you need to know that line and know when you do, in fact, need to say something.
- 请注意,低俗笑话与骚扰的差别很小,所以你得知道自己的底线是什么,适时就该给予口头提示。
- 7. And we can't tell you how many poor souls have gotten fired for hitting the "Reply all" button and disseminating off-color jokes — or worse yet — rants about their boss for all to see.
- 并且我们无法告诉你多少可怜的家伙已经因为点击“回复所有”按钮导致低俗笑话四处传播——或更糟的是——怒骂老板的话被所有人看到而被炒鱿鱼的。
- 8. And we can't tell you how many poor souls have gotten fired for hitting the "Reply all" button and disseminating off-color jokes — or worse yet — rants about their boss for all to see.
- 并且我们无法告诉你多少可怜的家伙已经因为点击“回复所有”按钮或传播低俗笑话——或更糟——怒骂老板被所有人看到而被炒鱿鱼的。
- 9. The introduction of new screen formats was put off for a quarter century, and color, though utilized over the next two decades for special productions, also did not become a norm until the 1950s.
- 新屏幕格式的引入被推迟了四分之一个世纪,而颜色尽管在接下来的二十年里被用于特制产品,它也是直到二十世纪五十年代才成为一种常态。
- 10. The little arrows were the wrong size, or in the wrong place, or the color was off.
- 小箭头不是尺寸不对就是在错误的位置,抑或是颜色不对。
- 11. The researchers surmised that they were working off the shape and color of the currency, however, rather than its actual value.
- 但研究人员猜测他们的判断很可能基于对钱币形状和颜色的揣摩,对其真实价值其实并不清楚。
- 12. Tungsten light bulbs cast very yellow light. And any surface that light bounces off can add its color.
- 钨丝灯光明显偏黄,而且反射这种光线的表面也会呈现出相应的颜色。
- 13. Wasp and fly wings are made from two compressed layers of transparent chitin, with light bouncing off both layers and mixing to produce color.
- 果蝇和黄蜂的翅膀其实是由两层压缩的透明甲壳质组成,每层甲壳质都能够在内部对光线进行折射,从而产生出各种色彩。
- 14. "I just had time to get off a few frames of black and white and a few of color, then the light was over and the mood was over," Uzzle says of what would become his best-known photograph.
- 我正好有时间拍下了几张黑白照片和几张彩色照片,过后光线就不行了,氛围也没有了。
- 15. You are turned off by inpiduals who exaggerate or color[2] the truth.
- 你讨厌夸大或歪曲事实的人。
- 16. The chart is then plotted after turning 3-d drawing off and specifying blue for the pie pisors color. Run the program with the command cat
- 关闭3 - d绘制并且指定蓝色为饼图分区颜色后,将开始绘制图表。
- 17. Like the color and contrast, it is easiest to find problems by turning off the Cascading Style Sheets.
- 与颜色和对比度相似,关闭级联样式表是查找问题的最简单方法。
- 18. The vibrant color and markings of the poison dart frog warns off predators with the promise of death; fulfillment here is clear.
- ——毒箭蛙身上鲜艳的色彩和标记,警告了食肉动物,它们与死亡之间的承诺;这个实现过程是很明确的。
- 19. Optionally, you can color-code the chart, and check off the completed items, to make it easier to get the status at a glance.
- 您可以有选择地用彩色代码对图表进行标记,并标记已完成的项目,以便可以快速浏览各个状态。
- 20. This cut topaz gemstone shows off its striking blue coloration, but the mineral also occurs in a colorless form or with a yellow or green color.
- 这颗经过切割的黄晶闪耀着夺目的蓝色光芒,但是这种宝石也有无色的,也有黄色或绿色的。
- 21. They are showing off a camera that can take full color photos in the dark.
- 他们展示了一种能在黑暗下拍摄全彩照片的新型照相机。
- 22. The band's last great release, 1978's Some Girls, showed off the Stones in drag in a heavily detailed die-cut package with varying color sleeves.
- 而乐队最后的辉煌之作,1978年的《绝代佳人》则炫耀似地把滚石扯进有各种色彩袖子的精细繁复打孔包里。
- 23. These red clay roads are off the beaten path, and trees often meet over the lonely throughways, creating a tunnel of autumn color.
- 这些红色粘土道路是鲜有人涉足的,树木常常与寂寞的高速公路交叉在一起,这样就创造出一个秋色的隧道。
- 24. It's a simple picture: off-white, with black stripes and four color areas: black, blue, pale lemon yellow, and a touch of orangey red.
- 这是幅简单的作品:灰白背景,黑线条,以及四个色块——黑色、蓝色、淡淡的柠檬黄、和少许橘红色。
- 25. It's a simple picture: off-white, with black stripes and four color areas: black, blue, pale lemon yellow, and a touch of orangey red.
- 这是幅简单的作品:灰白背景,黑线条,以及四个色块——黑色、蓝色、淡淡的柠檬黄、和少许橘红色。