- 1. He had taken a flight to Paris on the off-chance that he might be able to meet Francesca.
- 他搭飞机去了巴黎,怀着遇到弗朗西丝卡的渺茫希望。
- 2. I'll go on the off-chance of seeing her.
- 我想去一趟,看能不能见到她。
- 3. Make small change to the code on the off-chance that it might solve the problem
- 对程序做一些小的改动,尽管解决问题的机会极小;
- 4. I was willing to fail again and again for off-chance I might come across something that gave me an extra boost.
- 我总以为自己会碰到一个妙不可言的好点子,抱着这微乎其微的希望,我经历了一次又一次的失败却依然乐在其中。
- 5. Come off it! We don't have a chance.
- 别胡扯了!我们没机会。
- 6. People who had worked solidly since Christmas enjoyed the chance of a Friday off.
- 自圣诞节连续工作到现在的人们星期五可以有机会放假一天。
- 7. I didn't think you'd be at home but I just called by on the off chance.
- 我想你不会在家,只是碰碰运气顺路来看一下。
- 8. Take plenty of breaks, because they offer a double bonus: the time off gives your mind a chance to do some preliminary consolidation and it also gives a memory boost to the learning.
- 多休息,因为休息有双重好处:休息能让你的大脑有机会进行一些初步的巩固,也能提高学习的记忆力。
- 9. Sheer chance quite often plays an important part in sparking off an idea.
- 纯粹的运气常常在激发思想方面起着重要的作用。
- 10. She scanned the crowd on the off chance of seeing someone she knew.
- 她扫视着人群,抱着一线希望看是否有熟人。
- 11. By some unlucky chance, her name was left off the list.
- 倒霉的是,名单上沒有她的名字。
- 12. I called in at the office on the off chance that you would still be there.
- 我打电话给办公室,想看看你是否可能还在那里。
- 13. Jack saw his chance, climbed through the window, grabbed the harp and ran off to the beanstalk.
- 杰克看到了机会,爬过窗户,抓起竖琴并跑向豆茎。
- 14. Take plenty of breaks, because they offer a double bonus. The time off gives your mind a chance to do some preliminary consolidation, and it also gives a memory boost to the learning.
- 多休息,因为这会收到事半功倍的效果。休息能让你的大脑有机会进行一些初步的巩固,也能提高学习的记忆力。
- 15. Granted, Valentines day is just a day where if you pull everything off correctly, you have a 100% chance of getting laid.
- 假如,情人节只是一个你想努力让一切正常的节日,那么你有100%的机会被抛弃。
- 16. This would be its chance to show itself off as a proud, strong nation.
- 这是中国展示其自尊自强的大好机会。
- 17. But the larger answer, I'd argue, is that by making up stories about our current predicament that absolve the people who put us here there, we cut off any chance to learn from the crisis.
- 但我更能同意的答案是,通过编造谎言为使我们陷入困境的人开脱罪责,我们就失去了从危机中学习的机会。
- 18. This is a great chance for me to show off my beautiful voice.
- 这可是我一展歌喉的好机会啊。
- 19. Once this initial euphoria wears off, there is every chance that true love can grow and you can have a deep fulfilling relationship with that person.
- 一旦这个最初的兴奋消退,每有机会让真爱成长,你就可以有机会深刻履行与该人的关系。
- 20. This is your chance to show off to the people interviewing you.
- 这可是你向面试考官展现你自己的好时机。
- 21. Tipping well is a chance to show off.
- 多掏小费是炫耀、表现自己的机会。
- 22. The Bureau of Labour Statistics estimates that workers recently laid off have a 30% chance of finding work in a given month.
- 劳工统计局估计刚刚失业的工业在接下来的一个月内有30%的机会找到工作。
- 23. The others might slack off , knowing they have little chance to take the prize.
- 其他人知道自己几乎没机会获奖,就会懈怠下来。
- 24. I suppose this happens occasionally, and maybe it's worth asking the question just on the off chance that something yummy will pop out.
- 我估计这种情况时有发生,因此值得一问,万一会听到什么有意思的信息呢。
- 25. I came late on the off chance that I could avoid Thomas.
- 我晚来,以为我有可能避开托马斯的。
- 26. Some of you might be wondering how to get back into the game operating system, for the off chance that you might want to play a game or two on your PS3.
- 您可能会疑惑如何回到游戏操作系统中呢?因为您可能会希望玩 PS3上的一两个游戏。
- 27. Now that EADS is no longer a Franco-German war zone it has a better chance of pulling off the same trick.
- 现在EADS已经不再是法德战场了,它有更好的机会故技重施。
- 28. It took three years and a chance tip-off from a colleague about Chua's work before the revelation came.
- 三年后,在一次偶然的机会受到一个同事关于Chua研究成果的启示。
- 29. It took three years and a chance tip-off from a colleague about Chua's work before the revelation came.
- 三年后,在一次偶然的机会受到一个同事关于Chua研究成果的启示。