- 1. Money Never Sleeps slaps his oeuvre back to life.
- 《金钱永不眠》又将成为他的力作之一。
- 2. The red scarf has multiple associations in Zeng's oeuvre.
- 曾梵志的红围巾有多种意义。
- 3. But no one else has duplicated his own oeuvre so perfectly.
- 但却没有谁如此完美地复制过他自己的作品。
- 4. His whole oeuvre is quite extraordinary - if you pick out the best bits.
- 他的作品总的来说还是很出色的——如果你挑出那些最好的作品的话。
- 5. Therefore, this poem may be read as a cornerstone at the foundation of her oeuvre.
- 因而,这首诗可说是她所有作品的一块基石。
- 6. One of the films in ms Fisher's oeuvre was called "Dead by Dawn". That will not be HP's fate.
- Fisher女士的全部电影作品里有一部叫作《活不过天明》,这不该是惠普的命运。
- 7. Liu Wei 's oeuvre consists of works in a variety of media: installation, painting, multimedia, etc.
- 刘韡的作品涉及多种媒材:装置作品、画作、多媒体作品,等等。
- 8. You could say that you have a preoccupation with realism with a oeuvre of films that all flirt with documentary.
- 您能说您有一种对于散发出记录片感觉的现实主义风格的电影的一种偏好吗?
- 9. The subject of a burning candle has fascinated Gerhard Richter in a way than no other subject has in his oeuvre.
- 在他的全部作品中,燃烧的蜡烛主题最使格哈德·里希特着迷。
- 10. With its wide-ranging reflections, this oeuvre has earned Pitanguy a place in Brazil's prestigious academy of letters.
- 因为广泛的思考,这全部的著作为皮坦基赢得了在巴西著名学院信件中的位置。
- 11. SS: Oh, Moonlight Mile, even Dead Man Walking, Lorenzo's Oil; I've had a death oeuvre going for a number of years now.
- SS:《月光路程》(台译《月光的距离》)甚至是《死囚上路》《罗伦佐的油》,我做有关死亡的电影很有年头了。
- 12. Cheever's books have slipped from public notice in part because his oeuvre lacks a charismatic torchbearer like Holden Caulfield.
- 契弗的书之所以脱离了公众的视线,部分原因是他的作品缺少像霍尔顿·考菲尔德一样富有魅力的主人公。
- 13. But it's more than likely that someone will make money from the photographs, the field, or the design of these latest additions to the oeuvre.
- 不过很肯定的是,无论是照片或麦田的使用,还是对最近怪圈作品的做进一步修饰,总是有人能赚到钱的。
- 14. Another strategy is to let scientists themselves take care of the job — after all, they should know which papers are part of their oeuvre.
- 另一个计策是让科学家们自己来完成这项工作,毕竟他们应该最清楚哪一篇文章是他们全部作品中的一篇。
- 15. Milton will only use the word career once in his poetic oeuvre and it comes — it will come pretty soon, actually, in Sonnet Number Seven.
- 弥尔顿在他的全部诗歌作品中只用过一次事业这个词,我们马上就会看到,在十四行诗的第七行。
- 16. Cheyenne Westphal (pictured above, right), European chairman of Sotheby's contemporary art, says: "Damien's auctions will become part of his oeuvre."
- 夏安•维斯·谢尔(上图右),欧洲索斯比当代艺术主管说:“达米安的拍卖将成为他全部作品的一部分。”
- 17. The physicality that FIFA nailed so well a couple of years back is finally a part of Pro Evolution Soccer's oeuvre, and it's tied in with a new move-set.
- 钉的,国际足联这么好几年形体终于回到了职业进化足球的全部作品的一部分,它的一个新举措并列设置的研究。
- 18. His oeuvre was small: ten symphonies (the last one unfinished), a symphonic work for voices and orchestra (" Das Lied von der Erde ") and a number of songs.
- 他的全部作品数量很少:共十部交响乐(最后一部未完成),一部声乐和管弦乐(大地之歌)的交响乐以及几首曲子。
- 19. In announcing Mr Tranströmer's victory, the Swedish Academy has praised an oeuvre that is "characterised by economy" and that grants "fresh access to reality".
- 瑞典皇家科学院在宣布特朗斯特罗默先生获胜时,称赞他的毕生作品是“洗练的”和赋予人们“洞悉现实的新途径”。
- 20. This scene could hold the key to unlocking the great philosophy which many admirers believe to lie within the director's oeuvre, or it could simply be a beautiful digression.
- 许多人相信这一幕是揭开导演的的全部作品的伟大哲学理念的钥匙,而另一部分人认为这只是个美丽的题外话。
- 21. Lessing himself, although able to read, understand and translate Latin, Greek, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, and English, wrote his extensive oeuvre in the Germanlanguage.
- 莱辛本人能够阅读、理解乃至翻译拉丁文、希腊语、法语、意大利语、西班牙语、荷兰语以及英语,但他留下的大量的著作却都是用德语写就的。
- 22. Romantic novelists rarely fail to include in their oeuvre that special moment when two strangers look into each other's eyes across a crowded room and feel the tingle of desire.
- 浪漫主义小说家大多善于在作品中描写这样的场面:在一间拥挤的房间里,陌生男女随着目光的交汇,怦然心动。
- 23. Yu Youhan's extensive oeuvre combines multiple perspectives and investigates the structure of cultural identity in China through an ongoing exploration of various pictorial techniques.
- 通过对各种视觉手法的持续探索,余友涵的作品总是结合了多重透视和对中国文化本体结构的研究。
- 24. His large oeuvre spans from delicate pop songs to electronic music and to dream-like grand orchestral pieces. In addition to these, he also wrote numerous amount of music for the movies.
- 他创作了大量的音乐作品,除传统音乐作品以外,还涉及流行音乐及电子音乐。
- 25. Chen's entire oeuvre is defined by his references and reserves - a mixed grab bag of material and inspiration that is open for all to see, coalescing in various forms that gather in various series.
- 陈彧君的整个创作都是由其参考和储备所定义的,像一个敞开的袋子,所有人都能开看见其中混合的材料和灵感,以各种形式聚集在他各个系列的作品之中。
- 26. So the poets keep on trying, and sooner or later the consecutive results of their self-dissatisfaction are clipped together with a giant paperclip by literary historians and called their "oeuvre" …
- 因此他要再说一次,再说一次,然后提出一系列自己不满意的理由,文学史家于是给他的作品夹上一个大的夹子,称为“成果”。
- 27. So the poets keep on trying, and sooner or later the consecutive results of their self-dissatisfaction are clipped together with a giant paperclip by literary historians and called their "oeuvre" …
- 因此他要再说一次,再说一次,然后提出一系列自己不满意的理由,文学史家于是给他的作品夹上一个大的夹子,称为“成果”。