- 1. Obstructionism is generally most evident at the stage of implementing a law.
- 蓄意阻挠的事通常在执法阶段最为明显。
- 2. Republicans make no apology for their obstructionism.
- 共和党没为其蓄意阻挠而道歉。
- 3. Their obstructionism will outlast King Abdullah's reign.
- 他们的蓄意阻挠会比阿卜杜拉国王的统治持续得更久。
- 4. The government was defeated by the obstructionism of their opponent.
- 他们被击败是不是不可避免的。
- 5. But no matter who is chosen, he will still face Mr Ozawa's dogged obstructionism.
- 但是不论谁被选中,他仍将面对小泽顽固的狙击。
- 6. The era of international bickering and cold war obstructionism has finally ended.
- 国际争吵和冷战蓄意阻挠的时代终于结束了。
- 7. The opposition was more silent than outspoken, making its weight felt through parliamentary obstructionism.
- 相比直言不讳,反对派更加沉默,使得它更像是来自议会的蓄意阻挠。
- 8. Anyone in the LDP who reflects on how savagely voters might punish the party's obstructionism at the polls should favour this.
- 选民们曾因为自民党的阻碍行为而在选举中对其进行严厉的惩罚,当任何一位自民党人士回想起这一刻的时候,他们应该都会支持以上的建议。
- 9. Moreover, Mr Obama's toughest opponents are within his own party - a new challenge after years of grappling with reflex Republican obstructionism.
- 此外,奥巴马最难缠的反对者是在本党内部——在多年疲于应对共和党反射性的否决之后,这是一个新的挑战。
- 10. Critics see the courts as too often serving as pawns in interest groups' campaigns of delay and obstructionism, sabotaging the coherence of orderly program administration.
- 批评家们认为,法院在利益集团的拖延和阻碍之争以及在破坏有秩序的项目执行的连贯性中,过于经常地起着抵押品的作用。
- 11. And part of the outcome of this gamble depends on whether voters perceive Republican opposition as a principled stand against pointless spending, or an example of simple obstructionism.
- 这场赌博的结局还在一定程度上取决于选民究竟是会把共和党的反对看作是坚持原则、和无谓支出做斗争,还是存心在这里搅局。
- 12. The Republicans are also paying a direct price for their obstructionism—surrendering what influence they might have had over impending legislation (and playing into Ms Pelosi’s hands in the process).
- 共和党人同时需要为阻挠议事付出直接代价——在迫切需要立法的项目上影响力降低(和在立法过程中受制于Pelosi女士)。
- 13. The Republicans are also paying a direct price for their obstructionism—surrendering what influence they might have had over impending legislation (and playing into Ms Pelosi’s hands in the process).
- 共和党人同时需要为阻挠议事付出直接代价——在迫切需要立法的项目上影响力降低(和在立法过程中受制于Pelosi女士)。