- 1. This method is superior obviously to nutation NMR technique.
- 该方法明显优于章动NMR技术。
- 2. A new measurement method for nutation Angle has been put forward.
- 提出了一种新的测量弹丸攻角的方法。
- 3. People who have this nutation mutation need less sleep than others.
- 有这种变异基因的人睡到比别人少。
- 4. Active nutation control techniques have been discussed by many authors.
- 许多作者研究了主动章动控制技术。
- 5. People who have nutation this mutation need less sleep than other'sothers.
- 有这种变异基因的人们比常人少眠。
- 6. The recent nutation theories are introduced and compared with each other among them.
- 介绍和比较最新的刚体地球章动理论。
- 7. The international research progress of the non - rigid Earth nutation is reviewed briefly.
- 对目前国际上有关非刚体地球章动研究的进展作了简要回顾。
- 8. By observing the periods of the target length variant, the frequency of nutation is deduced.
- 通过观测一维像序列的长度变化周期,提取目标的章动频率;
- 9. The Earth dynamical flattening plays an important role in the computations of nutation theory.
- 地球动力学扁率在章动理论的计算中也是一个重要的物理量。
- 10. The rotation of the Earth includes precession, nutation, variations of the rotation rate and polar motion.
- 地球自转运动包括岁差和章动,极移和日长的变化。
- 11. Therefore, the theoretical definition of CIP and its dynamical equation on wobble and precession-nutation are given.
- 由此对CIP轴进行了理论定义,并给出了其极移、岁差章动的动力学方程。
- 12. Under the effect of every order tidal moment, the expression of precession and nutation for the CIP axis is presented.
- 在各阶潮汐力矩的作用下,得到CIP轴岁差章动的表达式。
- 13. A rigid Earth nutation series and a non rigid Earth transfer function both are associated with the Earth dynamical flattening.
- 刚体地球章动序列和非刚体地球章动的转换函数都和地球动力学扁率有关。
- 14. The processing device used in cone cycloid teeth cutting was studied on the base of studying the theory of nutation engagement.
- 本课题在进动啮合理论的基础上,研究了锥摆线齿轮的加工装置。
- 15. Therefore, the theoretical definition of CIP and its dynamical equation on polar motion and precession-nutation have been given.
- 由此对CIP轴进行了理论定义,并给出了其极移、岁差和章动的动力学方程。
- 16. The computation of nutation series and the estimation of the earth orientation parameters (EOP) make use of an intermediate pole.
- 章动序列计算和地球定向参数测定需要一个中间的天球参考极作参照。
- 17. Vector nature of angular momentum, precession, conservation of vector angular momentum (its transfer between parts of a system), nutation.
- 角动量的向量特性,进动,角动量守恒(它在系统内部之间的转移),章动。
- 18. In this paper, the theory of dynamic on earth fluid core model are described, and the influence of the Fluid Core on nutation is analysized.
- 对液核地球模型的一般理论进行了研究,并计算了液核对章动振幅的影响。
- 19. The moment of precession and nutation is a prerequisite to explain these phenomena and one main way of building nutational serial of rigid Earth.
- 岁差章动力矩是解释这些现象的前提条件,也是建立刚体地球章动序列的最主要方法之一。
- 20. VLBI observations of nutations are compared with IAU1980 nutation series. Their deviations can provide a basis for improving IAU nutation theory.
- 比较了VLBI 章动观测值和IAU1980章动理论值,其差异可为改进章动理论提供依据。
- 21. The increasing accuracy of modern observations requires to take into account its influence on the nutation amplitudes at the level of a few microarcseconds.
- 随着观测和计算精度的提高,地球动力学扁率值的不一致将影响章动振幅的计算。
- 22. The residual nutation Angle of satellites with the viscous nutation dampers is one of the important indexes for designing the spinning satellites of high precision.
- 带液体章动阻尼器卫星的残余章动角是设计高精度自旋卫星的一项重要指标。
- 23. The test results show that, the liquid sloshing in sphere-cone tanks may resonate with satellite nutation, and nutating pergent time constant will be shapoly reduced.
- 试验结果表明,球锥贮箱液体晃动可能与卫星章动共振,而使章动发散时间常数剧烈下降。
- 24. The results achieved and the conclusions drawn in this thesis are of great importance and applicable in the nutation instability phenomenon of solid rocket motor spacecraft.
- 本文的研究成果和结论对旋转固体火箭发动机飞行器的章动不稳定性问题具有十分重要的意义和实用价值。
- 25. The stability criteria and the decay time constant of the nutation damping are obtained in an analytical form, by which the degree of the attitude stability can bd evaluated.
- 导出解析形式的稳定性判据和章动阻尼时间常数,可用以估计卫星的稳定度。
- 26. IAU1976 precession model, IAU1980 nutation model and IAU2000A precession-nutation model were presented, the differences were compared with IAU2000A precession-nutation model.
- 文章介绍了IAU1976岁差模型、IAU1980章动模型以及IAU2000 A岁差章动模型,并对不同的岁差章动模型进行建模仿真。
- 27. In this paper, the effects of the value of the Earth dynamical flattening on rigid Earth nutation amplitudes and the transfer function of non-rigid Earth nutation are discussed.
- 探讨了地球动力学扁率值对刚体地球章动振幅和非刚体地球章动转换函数的影响。
- 28. This paper is very importance to more studying theory of the inner core Earth's nutation, in view of influence of higher order moment of precession-nutation to the Earth rotation.
- 本文的理论对进一步研究在高阶岁差章动力矩作用下的内核地球章动是非常有意义的。
- 29. The angular difference between the astronomical axis and the axis of figure called a "nutation" causes an earth orbit al spirical oscillation known as the famous chandler "wobble".
- 在天文学轴和形状轴之间的角度差称做“章动”,引起地球轨道螺旋摆动,就是著名的卡南德尔“摆动”。
- 30. The department of satellite design and the staff on the ground have conducted a way of thruster calibration execution in terms of the data of the attitude and the nutation principle.
- 卫星设计部门和地面工作人员根据卫星的特点,利用姿态数据及章动原理建立了一套标定推力器对称性的方法。