- 1. Regular date spots: KFC, McDonald's, Ajisen Ramen, Dairy Queen, no-name restaurants off campus.
- 约会常去场所:肯德基、麦当劳、味千拉面、DQ和校园外叫不上名字的小餐馆。
- 2. It sounded like a poor excuse for a job, traveling with a no-name band as their official paparazzo.
- 这工作听起来真不怎么样,当一支无名乐队的官方狗仔,和他们一起旅游。
- 3. So here are the homeless ensconced in the middle class alongside you and me and the no-name millionaires.
- 因此,中产阶级里与你和我在一起的还有,隐姓埋名的百万富翁以及一些露宿街头的无家可归者。
- 4. Five no-name toothbrushes in a package may seem like a steal at a handful of pennies each, but consider the risks.
- 五支包裹里的杂牌牙刷就好像是一个个偷来的便士,但你要考虑下这样是否值得。
- 5. Lambert said the supply of toiletries has evolved from no-name items to a not-to-be-missed branding opportunity for both the hotel and the beauty product brand, often linking into spa products.
- Lambert表示,化妆用品的供应已经从默默无闻的产品转变为一个不容错失的品牌推广机遇,酒店和美容品牌都可以利用这个机会,通常还可以推销spa产品。
- 6. "Was his name David?"—"No I don't think it was, but never mind, go on."
- “他的名字是大卫吗?”——“不,我想不是,不过没关系,继续。”
- 7. I asked her what her name was but she made no reply.
- 我问她叫什么名字,但她没有回答。
- 8. Node types are returned as integers, and allow you to handle each node appropriately; an element (type 1) has a name, but no value, whereas a text node (type 3) has a value but no name.
- 节点类型以整数返回,并且允许您适当地处理每一个节点;一个元素(类型1)有名称没有值,但是一个文本节点(类型3)有值没有名称。
- 9. That way, no two components would use the same resource name, and so no name could become overloaded.
- 通过那个方法,没有两个组件使用相同的资源名,因此就没有名称被重载。
- 10. When the JVM starts up, it looks for a class cache of the name given (if no name is provided, it chooses a default name) and it either connects to an existing cache or creates a new one, as required.
- 当JVM启动时,它寻找给定名称的类缓存(如果没有提供名称,那么选择一个默认名称),并按照需要连接现有的缓存或创建一个新的缓存。
- 11. If I had to ask you to choose a — no, name a famous psychologist, the answer of most of you would be Freud.
- 如果我让大家选出一位-,不,是说出一位著名心理学家的名字,你们大家多数人会回答,弗洛伊德。
- 12. And for a time, no name was as synonymous with quality silk as Jili.
- 而曾经有一段时间,除了辑里,没有其它名字可以作为优质生丝的代名词。
- 13. His corrugated iron house had no number and his volcanic ash street in the heart of Goma had no name.
- 他那破窗旧铁般的房子没有门牌,所在的火山灰堆积的街道虽是哥马城市中心,但也没有名称。
- 14. If the professor takes it back, there will be no name left for the chef, no place on the Earth.
- 如果让教授拿回公文包,厨师就没有名字了,就在地球上无处容身了。
- 15. Perhaps no name better permeates the pulse of America's largest city than "Rockefeller".
- 在美国最大的城市(纽约)里,洛克菲勒家族的名声还是无人能超越。
- 16. No name can be read there.
- 上面没有名字。
- 17. If the Generate tablespace Names box is checked and no name is supplied, the source tablespace name is used when generating the target table.
- 如果勾选了GenerateTablespaceNames复选框并且没有提供名称,那么在生成目标表时将使用源表空间的名称。
- 18. If no name is supplied for this property, the default catalog on the computer is used (Web, in this situation, because IIS is installed).
- 如果没有为此属性提供任何名称,则使用此计算机上的默认目录(在此情况下使用Web,因为安装了IIS)。
- 19. The world has no name.
- 那个世界没有名字。
- 20. However, the view has no name by default.
- 不过,在默认情况下,该视图是没有名称的。
- 21. But there's no name for it".
- 然而它没有统一的名称”。
- 22. With no name, just a number.
- 没有名字,只有一个号码。
- 23. To them, botany, as such, has no name and is probably not even recognized as a special branch of "knowledge"at all.
- 对他们来说,植物学没有专门的名称,甚至可能根本未被认为是一种专门知识。
- 24. When I first visited the Chinese mainland, there were no name CARDS, which created many guessing games about who was who on the other side of the conference table.
- 记得我第一次到访中国内地时,那里还没有名片。为了搞清会议桌对面坐的是谁,我们必须玩一些猜谜游戏。
- 25. On the Sequence diagram the object boxes have no name preceding the ":." These are called anonymous objects.
- 在顺序图中,对象框没有名字“:”,这些对象叫做匿名对象。
- 26. It had no paintwork, no bumpers and no name.
- 这辆车没有油漆,没有保险杠,也没有牌子。
- 27. Nina still has no name attached to the unidentified body. Jack has her put Jamey on the case so that it's solved sooner.
- 尼娜仍然没有调查出来那具无名尸体的身份。杰克叫她命令杰米也参加调查,这样可以快些得出结果。
- 28. Nina still has no name attached to the unidentified body. Jack has her put Jamey on the case so that it's solved sooner.
- 尼娜仍然没有调查出来那具无名尸体的身份。杰克叫她命令杰米也参加调查,这样可以快些得出结果。