- 1. If necessary I can come at once.
- 如果有必要,我可以马上来。
- 2. I can take the car if necessary.
- 如果必要的话,我可以乘汽车去。
- 3. Sometimes it is necessary to say no.
- 有时候说“不”是必要的。
- 4. Military action may become necessary.
- 军事行动可能会成为必要。
- 5. I'll make the necessary arrangements.
- 我会做一些必要的安排。
- 6. Higher taxes may be a necessary evil.
- 提高税率虽不是件令人愉快的事,但可能是必要的。
- 7. It doesn't seem necessary for us to meet.
- 我们似乎没必要见面。
- 8. If necessary , you can contact me at home.
- 必要的话,我在家时你也可以和我联系。
- 9. They would take any action deemed necessary.
- 他们会采取认为必要的任何行动。
- 10. This is a necessary consequence of progress.
- 这是发展的必然后果。
- 11. Some adjustment of the lens may be necessary.
- 可能需要调整一下镜头。
- 12. Repairs are necessary to strengthen the bridge.
- 这座桥需要加固。
- 13. For him, reading was a necessary prelude to sleep.
- 对他来说,阅读是入睡的必要前奏。
- 14. The alliance stands ready to do what is necessary.
- 该联盟已准备好采取必要行动。
- 15. A radical overhaul of the tax system is necessary.
- 有必要彻底改革税制。
- 16. For her, books were as necessary to life as bread.
- 对她来说,书就像面包一样是生活的必需。
- 17. She searched her desk for the necessary information.
- 她在她的书桌里搜寻必要的资料。
- 18. "We will take the necessary steps," she said sternly.
- “我们将采取必要措施,”她严厉地说道。
- 19. It has been found necessary to make some cuts in the text.
- 已发现有必要对文章作些删节。
- 20. A clearly quantifiable measure of quality is not necessary.
- 一种确切的可计量的质量检测是不必要的。
- 21. I do not wish to complicate the task more than is necessary.
- 我不想使这项任务不必要地复杂化。
- 22. This was a dreadful crime and a severe sentence is necessary.
- 这是一种骇人听闻的罪行,重判是必要的。
- 23. It is not always necessary to gut the fish prior to freezing.
- 在冷冻鱼之前没有必要总是取出其内脏。
- 24. We will use air power to protect UN peacekeepers if necessary.
- 必要时我们会动用空军力量来保护联合国维和部队的安全。
- 25. They've been deprived of the fuel necessary to heat their homes.
- 他们无法得到住房取暖必需的燃料。
- 26. His level-headed approach suggests he will do what is necessary.
- 他的冷静态度表明他会采取必要的行动。
- 27. It is, however, necessary on occasion to work outwith these hours.
- 然而,有时有必要在这些时间之外工作。
- 28. Reorganization is necessary on the distributive side of this industry.
- 此行业的产品分配环节必需重组。
- 29. It is necessary initially to classify the headaches into certain types.
- 起初把头疼分成若干类别是有必要的。
- 30. We are still looking for someone who combines all the necessary qualities.
- 我们仍在寻觅兼备所有必要才能的人选。