- 1. In coronary disease morbidity hazard factor, what are most main are hypertension, alcoholemia, smoking.
- 在冠心病发病的危险因素中,最主要的是高血压、醇血症、吸烟。
- 2. Too few proteins lead to night blindness, perifollicular hyperkeratosis, xerophthalmia, increased morbidity and mortality in young children.
- 蛋白质太少会导致夜盲症,滤泡性角化过度,干眼症,幼儿发病率和死亡率增加。
- 3. The study appears in the journal Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
- 这项研究发表在《发病率与死亡率周报》上。
- 4. ICD is the international standard for classifying mortality and morbidity.
- ICD是对死亡率和发病率进行分类的唯一国际标准。
- 5. The study is published in a CDC publication, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.
- 此研究发表于CDC出版物,发病率及死亡率每周报告上。
- 6. Researchers found that polyphenols in apple can lower the morbidity of colorectal cancer.
- 研究人员发现,苹果多酚能降低结肠癌的发病率。
- 7. Removing fewer lymph nodes results in less pain, less morbidity, "he said." it's an outpatient procedure.
- 他说:“切除较少的淋巴结能使痛苦少些,并发症少些,而且这种手术在门诊就可以做。”
- 8. Vaccination remains important as a means of reducing the morbidity and mortality caused by influenza viruses.
- 作为减少由流感病毒引起的发病率和死亡率的一种手段,预防接种仍然十分重要。
- 9. Reduced morbidity and mortality from malaria depend on delivering interventions to hard-to-reach populations.
- 疟疾发病率和死亡率的降低取决于能否向难以接触到的人群提供干预措施。
- 10. The contexts in which these falls occur and the resulting morbidity and disability need to be better understood.
- 我们需要更好地了解跌落事故发生的环境以及由此产生的发病率和致残率。
- 11. Alleviating the suffering caused by lymphatic filariasis through morbidity management and disability prevention.
- 通过控制发病率和预防残疾措施减轻淋巴丝虫病造成的痛苦。
- 12. Well, obvious reasons health behavior is a major driver of morbidity mortality, and healthcare costs in the U.S..
- 显而易见的原因,健康行为是美国发病率,死亡率和医疗保健费用的一项主要驱动力。
- 13. Obesity is a significant public health problem in most developed countries and carries with it substantial morbidity and mortality.
- 在大多数发达国家,肥胖以及因其产生的高发病率和死亡率,是一个极受重视的社会要点问题。
- 14. The principal objective of vector control is the reduction of malaria morbidity and mortality by reducing the levels of transmission.
- 媒介控制的主要目标是通过降低传播水平来降低发病率和死亡率。
- 15. Is there anyone out there, like myself, who is not convinced these childhood morbidity statistics have nothing to do with immunizations?
- 有没有人像我一样,不相信这些儿童发病率的统计与免疫接种无关?
- 16. "If anything, our findings should alert clinicians to be aware that [people with SMI] are at very high risk" of morbidity and mortality.
- “如果有什么是相同的话,我们的结果应该警告临床医生注意,(重度精神病人士)的发病率和死亡率是非常高的”。
- 17. As psychiatrists, we should care because these statistics translate potentially into considerable morbidity and mortality for our patients.
- 作为精神病学家,我们应该关注以上资料,因为这些内容表明了我们的患者会有较高的发病率和死亡率。
- 18. Mass treatment with ivermectin may reduce the incidence of head lice infestation and associated morbidity in resource-poor communities.
- 利用伊维菌素进行集体治疗,可能降低贫穷社区内头虱症感染的发生率以及头虱症导致的死亡率。
- 19. Morbidity management and disability prevention are vital for public health improvement and should be fully integrated into the health system.
- 发病管理和残疾预防对改善公共卫生至关重要,应充分纳入卫生体系。
- 20. I will admit that this has served patients and doctors well, yet recent history has seen an explosion of illness and morbidity in our society.
- 我承认它们有效的帮助了医生和病人,但是近来(我们却)看到疾病和发病率在社会中的爆发。
- 21. Again, in the absence of well-functioning health systems, we are unlikely to get even the most basic population data on morbidity and mortality.
- 同样,如果缺乏运转良好的卫生系统,我们甚至不可能获取关于发病率和死亡率的最基本的人口数据。
- 22. It is possible to derive a quantitative relationship between the pollution levels and specific health outcomes (increased mortality or morbidity).
- 在污染水平和特定卫生成果之间有可能得出一个量化关系(死亡率或发病率的增长)。
- 23. Many emergencies require ophthalmology consultation but key steps may be started by the initial clinician to help prevent significant morbidity.
- 许多的急诊情况需要眼科会诊,但是首诊医生可以做出一些关键的处理以避免严重损害的发生。
- 24. The Department of Making Pregnancy Safer (MPS), with over 120 staff worldwide aims to reduce maternal, perinatal and newborn morbidity and mortality.
- 确保母婴平安司在全球范围内有120多名工作人员,其目标是降低孕产妇、围产儿和新生儿的发病率和死亡率。
- 25. Malaria control is finally showing solid progress with rapid improvements in morbidity and mortality documented in Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda and Zambia.
- 在埃塞俄比亚、肯尼亚、卢旺达和赞比亚,疟疾控制最终显示出“坚实的进展”,发病率和死亡率已在迅速下降。
- 26. Data on morbidity and mortality caused by enteric fever between 1994 and 2004 were extracted from the Guangxi Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
- 我们从广西疾病预防和控制中心获得了1994年至2004年伤寒肠热病发病率和死亡率的数据。
- 27. Yet, as is so often the case in public health, when one thick layer of morbidity and mortality begins to thin, it reveals more starkly another critical problem.
- 然而,正如公共卫生中常见的情况,当一个方面的发病率和死亡率开始下降,就会暴露出更加令人震惊的另一个方面的重大问题。
- 28. Yet, as is so often the case in public health, when one thick layer of morbidity and mortality begins to thin, it reveals more starkly another critical problem.
- 然而,正如公共卫生中常见的情况,当一个方面的发病率和死亡率开始下降,就会暴露出更加令人震惊的另一个方面的重大问题。