- 1. The use of the moony imagery functions to heighten the setting, to place emotions and philosophy on the moon.
- 诗中的明月意象起到了渲染背景、寄托情感和寄寓哲理的作用。
- 2. "Moony" creates a mystic space by using a steam screens with organic variations and interactive butterfly images.
- 《梦影蝶》通过使用蒸气屏幕,配合有机变化和互动的蝴蝶图像创建了一个神秘空间。
- 3. Remus was not an Animagus; he was a werewolf; it was his monthly transformation into a Wolf that earned him the nickname "Moony" and provided the impetus for the others to become Animagi.
- 莱姆斯并非阿尼·马格斯,而是一个狼人,正是他每月一次变身为狼的事实让他拥有了“月亮脸”的外号并促成了其他三个人成为阿尼·马格斯。
- 4. Remus was not an Animagus; he was a werewolf; it was his monthly transformation into a Wolf that earned him the nickname "Moony" and provided the impetus for the others to become Animagi.
- 莱姆斯并非阿尼·马格斯,而是一个狼人,正是他每月一次变身为狼的事实让他拥有了“月亮脸”的外号并促成了其他三个人成为阿尼·马格斯。