- 1. The meerkat is in fact a mongoose.
- 猫鼬实际上是獴科动物。
- 2. And I, m using Mongoose in this project.
- 而我,在这个项目中使用的猫鼬m。
- 3. Reduced the effect of Elixir of Mongoose and Elixir of Major Agility.
- 降低猫鼬药剂与极效敏捷药剂的效果。
- 4. Four Cobras and one Joe. Even a rabid mongoose wouldn't have a chance now.
- 四个眼镜蛇的球员对一个大众队的球员。 看来他们没机会了。
- 5. Mongoose is not standing there to welcome you, but guards against you. He always does.
- 獴站在那里不是欢迎你,而是防备你。他们总是这样。
- 6. Buy a Haro, Diamond-Back, Red-Line, or Mongoose from a Bike Dealer, and your going to be happy!
- 买一个哈罗,小菜蛾,红线,或鼬从自行车经销商,你也会很高兴的!
- 7. Indian mongoose is popularly used to fight and kill venomous snakes, because of their rapid reactions and thick coat.
- 据了解,印度猫鼬普遍擅于捕杀眼镜蛇,因为它们拥有快速的反应能力和厚厚的皮毛。
- 8. But the mongoose is just too quick as it leaps and dances out of the way before closing in to try and bite the cobra's head.
- 然而猫鼬迅速跳出了眼镜蛇的攻击范围,并急速靠近试图咬住眼镜蛇的头部。
- 9. But the mongoose is just too quick as it leaps and dances out of the way before closing in to try and bite the cobra 's head.
- 然而猫鼬迅速跳出了眼镜蛇的攻击范围,并急速靠近试图咬住眼镜蛇的头部。
- 10. The separator was installed on MONGOOSE PRO shale shakers and used in combination with DURAFLO † composite replacement screens.
- 该分离器安装在MONGOOSEPRO振动筛内,与DURAFLO可替换复合筛布配合使用。
- 11. A set of unbelievable pictures were taken in southern India: a King cobra and a grey mongoose clashed in classic battle in the wild.
- 近日摄影师在印度南部拍摄到了一组不可思议的照片:一只眼镜蛇与一只印度灰猫鼬在野外激烈厮杀。
- 12. Now with dodge, you can start abusing your mongoose bite, or even better, if you parry, you can let loose your almighty counterattack.
- 躲避后你可以使用猫噬,更好的是,格档后你可以发动反击。
- 13. Often a big mongoose would emerge from the thick bushes, its red nose high in the air and its sharp eyes watching every movement around it.
- 一只大獴狐猴经常出没在密密的灌木丛中,红色的鼻子高高地翘在空中。锐利的眼睛观察着周围的每一个动静。
- 14. According to Daily Mail of September 3, a set of unbelievable pictures were taken in southern India: a King cobra and a grey mongoose clashed in classic battle in the wild.
- 据英国《每日邮报》9月2日报道,近日摄影师在印度南部拍摄到了一组不可思议的照片:一只眼镜蛇与一只印度灰猫鼬在野外激烈厮杀。
- 15. Team Novak have finally started shipping their 10, vehicle-specific, Brushless Conversion Kits as well as their specially designed Mongoose systems, motors and speed controls.
- 队诺瓦克终于开始出货10,车辆具体,无刷转换装置,以及他们专门设计的獴系统,电机和速度控制。
- 16. As a result, we've developed the Socket.IO real-time framework, the MongoDB ORM Mongoose, the automated cloud testing framework Soda and we maintain Express, the most popular web framework.
- 因此,我们开发了Socket.IO实施框架、Mongo ORMMongoose、自动云测试框架Soda,同时我们继续保持使用Express这个最流行的网站框架。
- 17. Sometimes an attacking mongoose is bitten, but it has another line of defense against the venom — its acetylcholine receptor has also evolved so that the cobra neurotoxin cannot bind to it.
- 有时猫鼬也会被咬到,但它还有除了反应之外的第二种防御毒液的方式——它的乙酰胆碱受体同样进化到了不怕眼镜蛇神经毒素的地步。
- 18. The small Indian mongoose, reaching no more than a foot or two inheight, was originally brought to Puerto Rico and the Hawaiian islandsto protect sugar cane fields from rat and snake damage.
- 小印度猫鼬不到一二英尺高,原先引入波多黎各和夏威夷群岛,是为了保护甘蔗田免受老鼠和蛇的伤害,结果,猫鼬没有起到控制物种拥挤的作用,其危害却迅速地远远超过预期的野生动物危害。
- 19. The small Indian mongoose, reaching no more than a foot or two inheight, was originally brought to Puerto Rico and the Hawaiian islandsto protect sugar cane fields from rat and snake damage.
- 小印度猫鼬不到一二英尺高,原先引入波多黎各和夏威夷群岛,是为了保护甘蔗田免受老鼠和蛇的伤害,结果,猫鼬没有起到控制物种拥挤的作用,其危害却迅速地远远超过预期的野生动物危害。