- 1. He was an easygoing man of very moderate views.
- 他是一个有着温和观点性情随和的人。
- 2. The team enjoyed only moderate success last season.
- 上个赛季,这个队伍只取得了中等成绩。
- 3. Lasik is best for moderate, not severe, vision problems.
- 镭射视力矫正手术对中等而不严重的视力问题最有效。
- 4. Moderate Republicans gathered together to plan for the future.
- 温和的共和党人集会筹划未来。
- 5. The article was moderate in tone and presented both sides of the case.
- 这篇文章的基调是温和的,对争论双方的意见都予以表达。
- 6. We were able to keep some moderate and conservative Democrats on board.
- 我们能够继续使一些温和保守的民主党议员支持我们。
- 7. A moderate earthquake struck the northeastern United States early on Saturday.
- 美国东北部周六早晨遭遇了一次中等强度的地震。
- 8. They are hoping that once in office he can be persuaded to moderate his views.
- 他们希望他一上台后就能他说服,使他的观点变得温和些。
- 9. Contrary to popular belief, moderate exercise actually decreases your appetite.
- 与大部分人的想法相反,适度的运动实际上会降低食欲。
- 10. He expressed his appreciation for what he called Saudi Arabia's moderate and realistic oil policies.
- 他表达了对他所称的沙特阿拉伯温和而务实的石油政策的感激。
- 11. What about moderate poverty?
- 那么中度贫困呢?
- 12. More moderate conditions support moist forests.
- 更温和的条件支撑较潮湿的森林。
- 13. National guidelines recommend we do 140 minutes of moderate-intensity activity a week.
- 国家指导方针建议我们每周做140分钟中等强度的活动。
- 14. You know the standard explanations: keeping a moderate diet, engaging in regular exercise, etc.
- 你知道标准的解释:保持适度的饮食,经常锻炼,等等。
- 15. People living in moderate poverty have the resources to keep themselves alive, but only at a very basic level.
- 生活在中度贫困中的人们拥有维持生计的物资,但只是非常基本的生活物资。
- 16. The United States is a land rich in mineral resources and fertile farm soil, together with a moderate climate.
- 美国具有丰富的矿产资源和肥沃的农田,气候温和适中。
- 17. Moreover, some studies suggest that even moderate drinking may increase the incidence of breast and colon cancer.
- 此外,一些研究表明,即使是适度饮酒也可能增加乳腺癌和结肠癌的发病率。
- 18. Unlike extreme poverty, moderate poverty generally refers to conditions of life in which basic needs are met, but barely.
- 与极端贫困不同,中度贫困一般指的是基本需求勉强得到满足的生活条件。
- 19. One useful way is to distinguish between three degrees of poverty—extreme poverty, moderate poverty, and relative poverty.
- 一个有效的方法是区分三种程度的贫困——极端贫困、中等贫困和相对贫困。
- 20. I have briefly explained to you how poverty can be distinguished as extreme poverty, moderate poverty and relative poverty.
- 我已经简要地向你们解释了如何将贫困区分为极端贫困、中度贫困和相对贫困。
- 21. I have briefly explained to you how poverty can be distinguished as extreme poverty, moderate poverty, and relative poverty.
- 我已经简要地向你们解释了如何将贫困区分为极端贫困、中度贫困和相对贫困。
- 22. The researchers said moderate exercise appears to have helped those participants to be less vulnerable to the impact of the sad movie.
- 研究人员说,适度的锻炼似乎可以帮助这些参与者不那么容易受到悲情电影的影响。
- 23. If the moderate end of the legal community has its way, the information on products might actually be provided for the benefit of customers and not as protection against legal liability.
- 如果法律界的温和派占上风,产品信息的提供实际上可能是为了顾客的利益,而不是对法律责任的保护。
- 24. We agreed to moderate our original demands.
- 我们同意降低我们原先的要求。
- 25. Even moderate amounts of the drug can be fatal.
- 这种药的用量即使不很大也会致命。
- 26. He was on the cusp between small acting roles and moderate fame.
- 他这个配角演员现在已是小荷初露尖尖角。
- 27. The chops should be cooked over moderate heat to prevent excessive charring.
- 肉排应以中温烹制以防过分烧焦。
- 28. The soldiers did not bother to moderate their coarse humour in her presence.
- 士兵们没有费神去约束他们的粗俗幽默,尽管她在场。
- 29. He could be depended on to take a moderate position on most of the key issues.
- 可以相信,他会在大多数关键问题上持温和态度。
- 30. Several pupils were designated as having moderate or severe learning difficulties.
- 几名学生被认定有一定或严重学习困难。