- 1. Something about a mix-up on arrangements to get to the airport.
- 一些在去机场的安排方面的混乱。
- 2. There has been a mix-up over the dates.
- 日期完全搅乱了。
- 3. A lone woman motorist waited for six hours for help yesterday because of a name mix-up.
- 一位女性独自驾车者昨日因名字弄混等待了6个小时才得到救援。
- 4. Please accept our apologies for this mix-up.
- 请接受我们的道歉。
- 5. The dog owner's beloved 10-year-old dog named Buddy took an unexpected 16-hour flight to Tokyo following a mix-up by the airline.
- 由于航空公司的失误,宠物狗主人这条10岁的名叫巴迪的爱犬出人意料地乘坐了16个小时的飞机去了东京。
- 6. How do you deal with a reservation mix-up?
- 你们如何处理订房出现的差错?
- 7. We use working names for each directory, so there is no mix-up.
- 我们为每一个目录使用工作名称,这样不会混乱。
- 8. Given all made the same mistake, this was no mere semantic mix-up - it reflects a mind-set.
- 鉴于所有犯下的同样的错误,这不仅仅是语义上的混淆——这反映了一种心态。
- 9. Our lunch is set for 1:00 P.M., but I get there at 11:00, a little worried about a mix-up or a cancellation.
- 我们的午餐定在下午1点,可是我11点就到了,有点担心混乱或者会临时取消。
- 10. I thought there might be some mix-up but they said they were here to explain the law to me and how I had broken it.
- 我以为可能出了什么差子,但他们给我解释法律以及我如何触犯了法律。
- 11. But we contacted linguists and speech pathologists to glean more about the mechanisms that might be behind the mix-up.
- 我们还是联系了语言学家和言语心理学家去找寻这背后可能存在的机制。
- 12. Neeson's experience at the hospital - the mix-up at reception, the chaos of the er, the arrival of the security guard?
- 尼森当年入院的经验——当年那些记忆混在一起,急诊室的混乱,保安人员的到来。
- 13. The baggage carousel mix-up could've been slapstick or the inciting incident of a romantic comedy had the reality not sent her bolting back to j.f..
- 行李传送带出错就像滑稽闹剧或浪漫喜剧里激动人心的突发事件,只是现实并没有把她送回肯尼迪国际机场。
- 14. The baggage carousel mix-up could've been slapstick or the inciting incident of a romantic comedy had the reality not sent her bolting back to J. f.
- 行李传送带出错就像滑稽闹剧或浪漫喜剧里激动人心的突发事件,只是现实并没有把她送回肯尼迪国际机场。
- 15. A white New York woman gave birth to a black couple's baby in 1998 after an embryo mix-up that set off a two-year court fight between the couples over visitation rights.
- 一位纽约的白人女性于1998年生出了一对黑人夫妇的孩子,也是因为胚胎弄错了,为此引发了长达两年围绕争夺探视权的官司。
- 16. The mix-up, Plummer says, erroneously became part of a Wall Street Journal Asia article in 2001, then was referenced in a 2006 Rand Report -- and has been falsely repeated ever since.
- 普卢默表示,2001年,《亚洲华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal Asia)的一篇文章中错误地混淆了这两家公司,之后该文章在被《2006年兰德报告》(Rand Report)引用——从此之后,这种错误的说法便以讹传讹地流传开来。
- 17. People often mix me up with other actors.
- 人们总是把我和其他演员弄混。
- 18. I like to mix up designer clothes.
- 我喜欢把各种名牌服装混穿在一起。
- 19. Depressed people may mix up their words.
- 沮丧的人可能会语无伦次。
- 20. So how did the mix up happen?
- 那么混淆是如何发生的呢?
- 21. Dashan, who has been learning crosstalk for decades, wants to mix it up with the Western stand-up tradition.
- 大山已经学了几十年相声,他想把它和西方传统的单口喜剧结合起来。
- 22. Another way to improve your frame of mind is to mix things up.
- 另一种改善心态的方法是混搭。
- 23. Could you mix up the eggs, milk, vanilla and cinnamon the night before? So all you have to do is dip bread in it for French toast the next morning.
- 你能不能前一天晚上搅好鸡蛋、牛奶、香草和肉桂?这样你第二天早晨只要将面包蘸进去就可以做法国吐司了。
- 24. Older people and women made the mistake slightly more often, but that may be because grandparents have more grandchildren to mix up than parents have children.
- 老年人和妇女稍微更容易犯这种错误,但这可能是因为相比起父母照顾自己的孩子,祖父母要照顾的孙辈更多,容易混淆。
- 25. Don't mix up the two kinds of vegetable seeds.
- 别把这两种菜籽搀杂在一起。
- 26. Mix up the salt with the pepper.
- 把盐和胡椒粉混合在一起。
- 27. The themes differ not just in color/fonts/ridiculous design doodads; they mix up the information design itself.
- 主题的变换不仅仅局限于色彩、字体和奇怪的小东西,而是包括对信息设计本身的混合。
- 28. Parents complained, saying the box wasn't big enough to adequately mix up the balls.
- 家长仍然抱怨不已,说盒子不够大,不能充分混合抽签的小球。
- 29. Change products and vendors: Small businesses can much more easily mix up their product base to consistently meet the changing demands of their customers, Spector said.
- 改变产品与供应商:基于对顾客不断变化的需求了解,小本生意可以更容易地调整店里的产品组合,Spector说。
- 30. Change products and vendors: Small businesses can much more easily mix up their product base to consistently meet the changing demands of their customers, Spector said.
- 改变产品与供应商:基于对顾客不断变化的需求了解,小本生意可以更容易地调整店里的产品组合,Spector说。