- 1. Some human misbehavior has come to my attention.
- 有些人类的“不端行为”已经引起了我的注意。
- 2. There seems no be-all-end-all cure for his misbehavior.
- 对他的不良行为,似乎没有完完全全的根治方法。
- 3. Misbehavior should be well-treated, as opposed to punished.
- 行为不检应妥善处理,而不是惩罚。
- 4. Doting parents turn a blind eye to their children's misbehavior.
- 溺爱的家长对他们孩子的不良行为视而不见。
- 5. So how can you tell whether your child's misbehavior is due to giftedness?
- 那怎样来判断你孩子的行为问题是因为具有某种天赋?
- 6. I wanted to create a sense of playful misbehavior through her body language.
- 我想创造一种有趣的不端行为通过她的肢体语言。
- 7. And, you know, I don't glorify any kind of misbehavior or misuse of anything.
- 而且,你知道,我不会美化任何不当的举动。
- 8. I feel bad about people's misbehavior, but I don't feel bad to live with them.
- 我觉得对人的不端行为不好,但我不觉得不好,他们住在一起。
- 9. It is almost absolutely correct that schools' misbehavior gave rise to seditions and agony.
- 几乎可以绝对的说,一些学校的不正当行为已经激发起了骚动和不满。
- 10. I could have concealed my misbehavior but since you're my best friend, I have to be honest with you.
- 我本可以不告诉你,但你是我最好的朋友,我必须坦诚相待。
- 11. However, it is not an excuse for any misbehavior especially when you are in the position of a teacher.
- 然而,这并不能成为失职的借口,尤其当你的职业是名老师。
- 12. The baby might easily grow up into the person just like his father, misbehavior, testiness and bellicosity.
- 那个婴儿很容易长大后变成他父亲那样的人,品行不端,易怒和好斗。
- 13. Even though serious misbehavior by the finance industry triggered it, sooner or later it was bound to happen.
- 即使金融业的违规行为曾经启动过这场危机,但是这仍然没有发生。不过,我想这场灾难迟早会来到。
- 14. Anyone training dogs has to take this into account in order to avoid human frustration and canine misbehavior.
- 任何人训练狗已考虑到这一点,以避免人类的沮丧和犬不当行为。
- 15. Please, do disclose their misbehavior, because we need to assess the risk of our life under the current leadership.
- 透露他们的不端行为。我们需要估计我们的生活风险在当前的领导之下。
- 16. Unfortunately, those successes were short lived, and his defiant misbehavior got him expelled from the high school.
- 不幸的是,这些成就是短命的,他的挑衅不端行为让他从高学校开除。
- 17. It's important to note that violating the principle doesn't necessarily result in a runtime exception or misbehavior.
- 请务必注意违反原则,并不一定导致运行时异常或不良行为。
- 18. The case of Georgia shows that bad behavior by many small Banks can do as much damage as misbehavior by a few financial giants.
- 佐治亚的案例显示的是大量小银行的恶行会带来如少数金融巨头的不端行所造成的同样大的损害。
- 19. Although you do not cause them to misbehave, you can reinforce and encourage their misbehavior by reacting in ways they expect.
- 你虽然不会引起他们胡作非为,你可以强化和鼓励他们的不端行为的反应方式,他们的期望。
- 20. However, the grandfather grew weary of the boys misbehavior and frequently yelled, bellowed, and screamed at them for their actions.
- 然而,祖父则讨厌他们的行为,经常对他们大喊大叫,尖叫他们的行为。
- 21. A separate register for manpower handling is to be maintained. Misbehavior in the company premises employees will viewed very seriously.
- 用于装卸的人员采取分别登记。在厂区内员工违反制度应严惩。
- 22. After all, our bent is to see misbehavior as psychopathology that needs treatment; there is no such thing as a bad person, just a sick one.
- 毕竟,我们的长项是把不端行为视作需要治疗的精神病理学行为;其中并没有类似‘坏人’这种定义,而只有病人之说。
- 23. Perhaps the punishment could have been more suited to the misbehavior, if he would not eat, put his dinner up and don't feed him anything else.
- 或许给孩子适当的惩罚能纠正孩子的不良行为。如果他不吃饭,那就把他的晚饭收起来,也不要给他其他东西吃。
- 24. Article 35 When juveniles are found to perpetrate the serious misbehavior as prescribed by this Law, they shall be stopped doing so without delay.
- 第三十五条对未成年人实施本法规定的严重不良行为的,应当及时予以制止。
- 25. Dr. Eisenberg emphasized that in addition to avoiding physical punishment, “children should never be threatened with a loss of love” for misbehavior.
- Eisenberg博士强调,除了要避免体罚,孩子做错了事情,“决不要威胁他不被爱了”。
- 26. The appearance of the misbehavior has interfered the going on, normally of classroom instruction of physical education seriously, and threat to its goal.
- 问题行为的出现严重干扰了体育课课堂教学的正常进行,对体育教学目标的达成产生严重威胁。
- 27. Simulation results show that if there is no misbehavior node in the network, the network performance is improving with the increasing of network stability.
- 模拟结果表明在网络中不存在不良节点的情况下,随着网络稳定性不断增加,网络性能不断提高;
- 28. Simulation results show that if there is no misbehavior node in the network, the network performance is improving with the increasing of network stability.
- 模拟结果表明在网络中不存在不良节点的情况下,随着网络稳定性不断增加,网络性能不断提高;