- 1. What is the world to do about such misbegotten states?
- 世界对这些拙劣的国家做了什么了吗?
- 2. What should ail me to harm this misbegotten and miserable babe?
- 加害于这样一个不幸的私生婴儿,难道我发疯了?。
- 3. None of us is immune to the heartaches and sorrows that inhabit this misbegotten world.
- 我们当中无人能对存在于这个丑恶世界中的心痛和悲伤免疫。
- 4. On the telephone I feel as if I am testifying in court and a stenographer is taking down every misbegotten syllable.
- 打电话时,我总是觉得自己好像是在法庭上作证一样,所说的每一句话,甚至每一个口误,都会被速记员记录下来。
- 5. Afterwards it strikes me what that movie is, and I reel out of the cinema like a suitor at the end of a misbegotten date.
- 我蹒跚着走出影院,如同经历蹩脚的约会后的求婚者一般。
- 6. In A Moon for the Misbegotten by Eugene O'Neill, the hero and heroine are representatives of the lost moderns in the early twentieth century.
- 尤金。奥尼尔剧作《月照不幸人》的男女主人公是二十世纪上半叶精神上无所皈依的现代人的典型。
- 7. EXAMPLE: My elderly aunt has never met a foreigner, and she has many strange, misbegotten ideas about how dangerous and unpleasant they must be.
- 我的老姑妈从未见过外国人,她有很多没道理的奇怪想法,以为外国人一定会如何危险和讨厌。
- 8. Over a decade ago I spent a year working at a "residence club" that I'll call Hampton House, a kind of misbegotten hybrid somewhere between a five-star hotel and a youth hostel.
- 二十多年前,我在一家我称作汉普顿旅社的“住宅俱乐部”里工作了一年,那就像是五星级酒店和青年旅馆的混血儿一样。
- 9. Or away from the bad past anyway, the recent, misbegotten past, and into a better past, all mythy and sweetly vigorous, into that America where the future was full of endless possibility.
- 或者就是远离糟糕的过去,最近的一团遭的过去,创造那充满奇迹,朝气蓬勃的过往; 回到那个未来一切皆有可能的美国;
- 10. Or away from the bad past anyway, the recent, misbegotten past, and into a better past, all mythy and sweetly vigorous, into that America where the future was full of endless possibility.
- 或者就是远离糟糕的过去,最近的一团遭的过去,创造那充满奇迹,朝气蓬勃的过往; 回到那个未来一切皆有可能的美国;