- 1. I was a little miffed about that.
- 我对此有点恼火。
- 2. But I'm sure he felt miffed.
- 但我敢相信他一定感到不悦。
- 3. Some people get a little miffed by it.
- 一些人对此有点生气。
- 4. She was miffed at his indifference.
- 她因他的漠不关心而生气了。
- 5. Both sides seem miffed by the other's actions.
- 双方都对对方的行为表示不满。
- 6. She was a bit miffed that he'd forgotten her name.
- 他把她的名字忘了,她有点生气了。
- 7. I was a bit miffed when they didn't invite me to the party.
- 他们没有邀请我参加派对时,我有点生气。
- 8. She hadn't phoned for a week and I was getting quite miffed.
- 她已有一星期没打电话了,我有点生气。
- 9. Some reckon Sheikh Hasina is miffed that Mr Yunus and Grameen got the Nobel prize.
- 一些人估计是因为谢赫·哈西娜对尤努斯和乡村银行获得诺贝尔奖感到恼火。
- 10. However, Maybelle was the first to send emails with pictures, which really miffed me.
- 然而,梅比莉是第一个在电子邮件中附带图片的人,这真让我有点恼火。
- 11. Rump Sudan is also miffed at the lack of rewards it has received for letting the south go.
- 新苏丹也因没有从同意南部苏丹分家的决定中获得从回报而感到恼火。
- 12. Some in Bangladesh reckon that Sheikh Hasina is miffed that Mr Yunus and Grameen got the Nobel prize.
- 孟加拉国有些人认为Sheikh Hasina对余努斯和格拉明获得诺贝尔奖而感到恼火。
- 13. The programmer, more than a little miffed, shakes the engineer and asks "Well, so what's the answer?"
- 而步伐员,稍微有点末路羞成怒,摇晃着工程师问道“好吧,答案是什么?”
- 14. “The Spanish are justified in feeling miffed, ” says Dieter Helm, an energy economist at the University of Oxford.
- 牛津大学的能源经济学家迪特尔·赫尔姆(Dieter Helm)表示:“西班牙人有点不痛快也情有可原。”
- 15. After shoveling her driveway Tuesday, she went inside to warm up and was a little miffed when she looked out the window.
- 周二刚清扫完车道的她跑进屋里取暖,可看向窗外她有点生气了。
- 16. There are, in any case, other benefits to reducing current-account surpluses than just satisfying miffed trading partners.
- 不管怎样,减少经常项目盈余还有其他好处。
- 17. 2: I Get Ideas: Hannah s unnerved by Adams creepy dirges that he posted on the Web, but is miffed by Sandys critique of her essay.
- 第2集:我的想法:汉娜·亚当斯令人毛骨悚然的挽歌,让他在网上发布,但恼火的桑迪斯散文批评。
- 18. The Georgians are miffed over Russia's broader meddling, notably its support for separatists in the enclaves of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
- 格鲁吉亚备受俄罗斯对其干预的困扰,最为著名的就是俄方支持阿布哈兹和南奥塞梯的地方分离主义势力。
- 19. Are you miffed at applying for a job "beneath" your abilities or ticked at defending a career that began when the interviewer was in diapers?
- 你是否会因为觉得自己应聘的工作是大材小用而感到气愤?你又是否会在一开始就和面试官争论某个职业而恼怒称羞?
- 20. And it happened with enough regularity that the fun seekers across the street would be miffed at the idea of being moved along for such a minor inconvenience as death.
- 发生这种事,街上的寻欢作乐者往往都会很生气,想着又要为死亡这类小事所驱赶。
- 21. However, he forgot to consult the legislature before he signed the papers; and the state Supreme Court, taking the miffed lawmakers' side, nullified the pact the next year.
- 但是,州长在签署协议之前忘记了咨询州议会的意见,而州高等法院站在不满的州议会这边,第二年即裁定协议无效。
- 22. A few weeks earlier Trent Lott, who was miffed about having lost a minor legislative battle to the WhiteHouse, had called me a spoiled brat on one of the Sunday-morning talk shows.
- 几周前,特伦特·洛特因为在一场立法方面的小战役上输给白宫而恼羞成怒,在周日早晨的一个谈话节目中曾称我为“一个被宠坏的小鬼头”。
- 23. Five years ago, when Phoebe Philo was named the creative director of the luxury fashion house Céline, Ms. Foley was miffed that she had been among the last to learn of the appointment.
- 五年前,当菲比·菲罗(PhoebePhilo)被任命为时尚奢侈品牌Céline的创意总监时,福莱对于她是最后几个知道这个安排的人之一而恼羞成怒。
- 24. That night, mutually miffed at the encomia being delivered in memory of james-who was as unlovable an employer as he was a father-the two young men set out to vandalize a statue erected in his honor.
- 一天晚上,两个年轻人对詹姆斯传记中的溢美之词十分恼怒,在他们看来,詹姆斯既不是一个好父亲也不是一个好老板。
- 25. That night, mutually miffed at the encomia being delivered in memory of james-who was as unlovable an employer as he was a father-the two young men set out to vandalize a statue erected in his honor.
- 一天晚上,两个年轻人对詹姆斯传记中的溢美之词十分恼怒,在他们看来,詹姆斯既不是一个好父亲也不是一个好老板。