- 1. The microphone screeched with feedback.
- 麦克风发出了尖厉的噪声。
- 2. He clipped the microphone (on) to his collar.
- 他把麦克风别在衣领上。
- 3. He grabbed my microphone and we tussled over that.
- 他抓住我的话筒,我们为此扭打起来。
- 4. The microphone was making a strange whistling sound.
- 扩音器发出一种奇怪的哨音。
- 5. The microphone was cunningly concealed in the bookcase.
- 话筒被巧妙地隐藏在书柜里。
- 6. The lead singer was prancing around with the microphone.
- 首席歌手手执麦克风,神气地走来走去。
- 7. My hand shook so much that I could hardly hold the microphone.
- 我的手抖得厉害以至于几乎握不住麦克风。
- 8. He stepped up to the microphone and swung into his rah-rah speech.
- 他走到麦克风前,迅速发表了鼓动性的演说。
- 9. For me, a performance is in front of a microphone, over the radio, to an unseen audience.
- 对我来说,表演就是在麦克风前,通过无线电,传播给看不见的听众。
- 10. Unsteadily he mounted the podium, adjusted the microphone, coughed, and went completely blank.
- 他摇摇晃晃地走上讲台,调好麦克风,咳嗽了几声,接着脑子就一片空白。
- 11. Talk normally into the microphone.
- 正常地对着麦克风讲话。
- 12. Obviously, you need a microphone and a sound card.
- 显然,你需要一个麦克风和一个声卡。
- 13. A friend brought a microphone and put it on her bed.
- 一个朋友拿了一个麦克风放在她的床上。
- 14. My hands trembled in spite of myself as I picked up the microphone.
- 当我拿起麦克风时,双手不由自主地颤抖起来。
- 15. With an amplifying device like a microphone, the speaker can use a natural tone.
- 有了麦克风之类的扩音装置,演讲者就可以使用自然的音调。
- 16. Would you like to talk to me on the microphone, instead of typing in the chatroom?
- 你愿意用麦克风跟我讲话,而不是在聊天室里打字吗?
- 17. When it was his turn to deliver his speech, nervously and embarrassingly, he walked towards the microphone.
- 当轮到他发表演讲时,他紧张且尴尬地走向麦克风。
- 18. Be careful to keep your mouth in range of the microphone; don't weave around or turn away to answer a question from the side.
- 要注意保持你的嘴在麦克风的范围内;不要晃来晃去或转过身去回答旁边的问题。
- 19. If there's a microphone in front of you, adjust it to the right height, rather than forcing yourself to stoop during the speech.
- 如果你面前有一个麦克风,把它调到合适的高度,而不是强迫自己在演讲时弯腰。
- 20. You can also find the power button and lock screen key on this squiggly cable, as well as another microphone for noise cancellation and improved voice quality.
- 这根弯弯曲曲的线缆上还能找到开机键和锁屏键,以及另外一个麦克风,用于噪音消除和提升语音质量。
- 21. He wore a hidden microphone to secretly tape-record conversations.
- 他戴了一个窃听器秘密录下了谈话。
- 22. Unless he was equipped with a directional microphone, he was out of earshot.
- 除非给他配备一个定向扬声器,否则谁也听不见他。
- 23. "Ladies," boomed Helena, without a microphone, "we all know why we're here tonight."
- “女士们”,海伦娜没用话筒朗声说道,“我们都知道今晚我们为什么在这儿。”
- 24. Lucca invented a new mask. It has a microphone.
- 卢卡发明了一种新的面罩。它有一个麦克风。
- 25. There is a microphone in it and it records people's voices.
- 里面有一个麦克风,可以记录人们的声音。
- 26. Instead, only one person walks up to a microphone and reads a letter.
- 相反,只有一个人走到麦克风前读信。
- 27. A lavalier microphone is made for hands-free operation.
- 领夹式麦克风可免提操作。
- 28. Julia said into the microphone.
- 茱莉亚对着麦克风说。
- 29. Here, we've got a microphone.
- 这里,我们有麦克风。
- 30. Invest in a good microphone.
- 买一个好的麦克风。