- 1. After matins (morning prayers), the monks assemble in the upstairs refectory for a simple breakfast of tea, bread, and olives.
- 晨祷后修道士们一起来到楼上的餐厅用简单的早餐,有茶、面包和橄榄。
- 2. As the gap of teeth of internal matins gears with small tooth number difference is small, several teeth will mate simultaneously after the teeth are deformed by load.
- 渐开线少齿差齿轮副,由于是内啮合,齿轮副的齿对之间的间隙很小,在受力后轮齿变形而使得同时有多对齿啮合。
- 3. As the gap of teeth of internal matins gears with small tooth number difference is small, several teeth will mate simultaneously after the teeth are deformed by load.
- 渐开线少齿差齿轮副,由于是内啮合,齿轮副的齿对之间的间隙很小,在受力后轮齿变形而使得同时有多对齿啮合。