- 1. We may benefit from commission, mark-up, mark-down or any other remuneration where we act as counterparty.
- 作为交易对手方,我方可从佣金、标高价、标低价或其它酬金中受益。
- 2. The company attributed margin improvement in its latest quarter to, among other things, better mark-down management.
- 该公司将最近一季利润率的提高归功于减价管理得到改善等一系列因素。
- 3. In addition, each store can adjust prices of the products by specifying a mark-up or mark-down from list price, or by specifying the actual prices.
- 此外,每个存储可以通过指定定价的上标记或下标记来调整产品的价格,或指定实际的价格。
- 4. Mark knelt down and helped the boy pick up the scattered articles.
- 马克跪下来帮男孩捡起散落的物品。
- 5. I tend to forget things unless I mark them down.
- 我常常会忘事,除非我把它们记下来。
- 6. Mark had told me that he was down for an interview.
- 马克已经告诉我他有个采访。
- 7. Mark smashed his fist down on the desk.
- 马克狠狠地把拳头砸在桌上。
- 8. You ask them, on the other hand, to mark down their sex, they do worse because they're reminded of a negative stereotype.
- 另一方面,如果你让他们记下自己的性别,他们的表现会更差,因为这让他们想起了一个负面的刻板印象。
- 9. You ask them, on the other hand, to mark down their sex, they do worse because they are reminded of a negative stereotype.
- 另一方面,如果你让他们记下自己的性别,他们的表现会更差,因为这让他们想起了一个负面的刻板印象。
- 10. Do you know that Mark turned down that job offer by a travel agency?
- 你知道马克拒绝了一家旅行社的工作邀请吗?
- 11. When Asian-American women are given a test and they're asked to mark down their race, they do better than they would otherwise do.
- 当亚裔美国女性接受一项测试,并被要求记下自己的种族时,她们的表现比不写的时候要好。
- 12. A silver Rolex peeks out from under his cuff, and a vertical strip of white beard drops down from his lower lip like an exclamation mark.
- 一款银色的劳力士从他的袖口里微微露出来,一小撮白色胡须从下唇垂落,看起来像个感叹号。
- 13. And to do that, you should carry around a little pencil and paper all day, and each time you feel the impulse (in this case, to react with anger), mark down a tally.
- 为了达到这个目的,建议你每天都随身携带一本本子和一支笔,每当你感到即将爆发的时候(也就是要愤怒的做出反应时),记录下来。
- 14. I put another kilogram on, it goes down to this mark.
- 我增加另一公斤,它降到这个标记。
- 15. Bill Gates offered Mark a million dollars while Mark was still in high school to work for him, and Mark turned it down.
- 梅达补充说:“当马克还在高中读书时,比尔盖茨要提供一百万美元让来他那工作,然而马克拒绝了。
- 16. I think this has to go down as another serious black mark for men.
- 我想,这个也可以作为男人的另外一个严重污点了吧。
- 17. Mark down your top three priorities for the day. Everything else should be secondary.
- 写下一天中最需要做的三件事,剩下的事情都在其次。
- 18. Inside the euro zone, no one can be forced to devalue because no one has a currency to mark down.
- 在欧元区内部,不得强制任何一个国家的货币贬值,因为他们的关系是一损皆损,一荣具荣。
- 19. Once the game started, I tried to calm him down by showing him how to mark the scorecard and keep track of every play.
- 比赛一开始,我就试图让他安静,告诉他怎么记分,怎么看队员的每一个动作。
- 20. No unit and inpidual shall revise, daub, mark or break down the documents of company registration files.
- 任何单位和个人不得修改、涂抹、标注、损毁公司登记档案资料。
- 21. Another big question mark: Where will the White House come down?
- 另一个大问题是:白宫在这个问题上持什么态度?
- 22. Undermining that effort, on Thursday American accounting standard-setters watered down a mark-to-market provision that would have forced banks to value their assets at market prices.
- 破坏这个努力的事件是:周二美国会计标准制定者淡化了一项迫使银行将其资产价值达到市场价格的按市值计价条款。
- 23. But to mark the tests, they have to use an answer key sent down from the States.
- 不过为了给测试判分,他们使用的是从美国发来的答案。
- 24. As the market prices of mortgage securities have fallen, banks have had to mark down their holdings, taking “unrealised” losses that erode their capital position.
- 随着按揭证券市价的下跌,银行需要减记它们的持有量,接受“未实现”的损失。 这些“未实现”的损失将腐蚀它们的资本。
- 25. It goes down to this mark.
- 它接近这个记号。
- 26. When you enter, they mark down any books you bring in, and you're expected to take same number out again.
- 当你入关时,他们会记录你带的任何一本书籍,出关的时候要对得上。
- 27. The index's movement implies a 5% loss rate, pressuring banks to mark down the value of their bonds even though the underlying properties are still generating cash.
- 该指数的走势显示损失率达5%﹐银行因此被迫减记债券价值﹐尽管房地产本身仍在带来现金收入。
- 28. Or else he will mark you down as an annoying upstart and will only be too glad to edge you out when the next round of redundancies comes round.
- 否则,他会把你列为讨厌的自以为是的家伙,在下一轮裁员时,他会很乐意把你裁掉。
- 29. Figure 14 shows that you can either select the report type from the drop-down box or manually check mark the required reports available below.
- 如图14所示,可以从下拉框中选择报告类型,也可以手工选择所需的报告。
- 30. Figure 14 shows that you can either select the report type from the drop-down box or manually check mark the required reports available below.
- 如图14所示,可以从下拉框中选择报告类型,也可以手工选择所需的报告。