- 1. He made himself so killingly funny that he was the envy and admiration of the whole mangy rabble.
- 他把自己弄得那么滑稽可笑,弄得所有肮脏的歹徒都既嫉妒又钦佩。
- 2. Well if it isn't our old mangy transient grandfather.
- 好,如果这不是我们肮脏的,短暂的祖父。
- 3. That mangy hound of yours just cost me a bucket of milk!
- 你那卑鄙的猎犬又让我损失了一桶牛奶!
- 4. Every time they come back, they bring mangy things to me.
- 每次回来的时候,他们都给我带很多东西。
- 5. The ground is slick with grease and mangy dogs sniff around my feet, but I'm too ruined to care.
- 地上因为油腻而打滑,几只脏狗在我脚边嗅来嗅去,可我根本没心情去理它们。
- 6. At an old saloon on a street of mud, There at a table, dealing stud, Sat the dirty, mangy dog that named me "Sue."
- 满是泥泞的街道上有间老餐厅,在昏暗的一角有个桌子正玩著牌。那只给我这个烂名字的脏野狗正也坐在那一桌里。
- 7. Soliton is also a kind of "micro-particle" with lots of unique characteristics, and it has been applied to mangy fields.
- 孤子也是一种“微观粒子”,有许多独特的性质,在许多科学领域中获得了重要的应用。
- 8. My friends raved about the house. But they did say to watch out for all the stray dogs. They are everywhere in Ubud. Mangy ones. Careful!
- 我朋友们还一直对那栋房子极力称赞呢!不过他们说要注意那里的流浪狗,幽坝到处都是流浪狗,而且还蛮脏的。小心一点!
- 9. We live in a global world, too, so do check that your great URL does not mean "Your mother is a mangy dog" in Chinese, French, or whatever.
- 我们生活在一个全球化时代,所以还要确保你的域名在汉语、法语等语言里不是没有贬义(注:微软的bing【病】就是一个很好的反面教材)。
- 10. There is kindness to be found everywhere. Now that mangy people stretched out their hands for the aid, we can the conquest of difficulties.
- 人间处处有真情,因为有四面八方的支援,我们才能战胜这次灾难。
- 11. Hastily brushing the thistles from its coat, he laid the leather saddle on its back, pulled the bridle over its mangy ears and heaved himself up.
- 他匆匆地刷了刷马身上的蓟,放上皮马鞍,往长藓的马耳朵上套上笼头,跨上了马背。
- 12. In recent years, modern lyrics as an important form of contemporary culture, it gradually concern by mangy scholars and have a good research results.
- 现代歌词作为当代文化的重要形式,近年来也逐渐被学界关注,并取得了丰富的研究成果。
- 13. There were two skins, two narrow mangy-looking skins with their heads still on them and glass beads in their eye sockets and little paws hanging down.
- 有两条皮草,两条窄窄的看起来质量低劣的皮草,头还连在上面,玻璃珠子镶在眼眶里,小爪子还晃悠着。
- 14. There were two skins, two narrow mangy-looking skins with their heads still on them and glass beads in their eye sockets and little paws hanging down.
- 有两条皮草,两条窄窄的看起来质量低劣的皮草,头还连在上面,玻璃珠子镶在眼眶里,小爪子还晃悠着。