- 1. The winder will consist of an air expanded winding mandrel.
- 卷取机由气动胀缩卷筒组成。
- 2. The centers must be aligned and the mandrel must be free of burrs.
- 这些中心点必须排列成一行,并且保证心轴上没有毛刺的现象出现。
- 3. The structural design of molding mandrel of pyrophillite was improved.
- 对叶块成型芯轴的结构进行了设计改进。
- 4. The results indicate that the influence of the metal mandrel is constant.
- 结果表明,金属芯棒的影响是恒定的。
- 5. One way is to use a hollow billet and then use a fixed or floating mandrel.
- 一种方法是使用空心坯,然后使用固定或浮动芯棒。
- 6. Tissue paper in cards and membership cards in the making of why mandrel deformation?
- 薄纸在制卡和会员卡制作中为什么会发生涨缩变形问题?
- 7. After the mandrel is melted, a thin layer of alloy remains on the propellant surface.
- 此心轴溶化之后,在推进剂表面上留有一薄层的合金。
- 8. The mandrel must be mounted between centers and a drive plate and lathe dog must be used.
- 必须将心轴锚定在中心点和驱动板之间的位置,并且必须使用车床轧头。
- 9. The formulas introduced for design of the parabolic mandrel and pass are worth referring to.
- 引用的抛物线芯棒及孔型设计公式可供参考。
- 10. The plunger consists of a solid spiral mandrel, tapered mandrel nose, and premium high-alloy dart.
- 该柱塞包括一个实心螺旋轴、锥形芯轴的机头和优质高合金活门。
- 11. Advantages of employment of semi-floating mandrel mill to produce small and medium tubes are elaborated.
- 提出了小型无缝钢管生产机组选用半浮动芯棒连轧工艺的优势。
- 12. The technology of designing and making for extrusion die with small die-mandrel by several examples is introduced.
- 通过实例介绍了具有小模芯的铝型材挤压模的设计和制造方法。
- 13. Electroformed apertures reproduce the mandrel photo resist finish faithfully and do not require any further processing.
- 电铸复制卷筒照片孔型图,不需要进一步的加工。
- 14. The mandrel is the most important heat-forming tool in MPM and its application effect decides the production cost of pipes.
- 芯棒是限动芯棒连轧钢管机组中最重要的热变形工具,其使用效果决定着钢管生产成本的高低。
- 15. A hole is drilled in the center and it is bolted to a mandrel so that the rest of the machining operations can be performed.
- 钻一个洞,是在中央,这是一个心轴螺栓,使其余的加工操作可以执行。
- 16. Electric heater, screw elements, barrel, Mandrel series of production, living in the same industry-leading level of domestic.
- 电加热器、螺纹元件、机筒、芯轴系列产品的生产,居于国内同行业的领先水平。
- 17. In order to avoid damage to the reinforcement the diameter to which the bar is bent (Mandrel diameter) should not be less than.
- 为了避免损坏钢筋,钢筋最大弯曲处的直径(芯轴直径)最小应不低于。
- 18. Spiral mandrel blown-film die is advanced and widely used in film blowing which is one of the most popular processing for plastics film.
- 薄膜挤出吹塑是应用最广泛的塑料薄膜加工方法之一,而螺旋芯棒式机头则是应用最为广泛的、先进的吹膜机头。
- 19. And also a rolling optimum controller, which keeps the mandrel feed in rate as requirement, is designed and relative formulas are given.
- 介绍了一种环轧过程最优控制器的设计方法,该控制器可以使压力辊按要求的进给速率运动。
- 20. A mandrel mill hydraulic screwdown control was successfully established at Wakayama Steel Works of Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd, in 1985.
- 一套连轧管机油压压下控制系统于1985年在日本住友金属公司和歌山钢铁厂使用成功。
- 21. The mandrel(including flexible balls) is the key to improving the forming limit and forming precision in thin-walled tube NC bending process.
- 薄壁管数控弯曲中带芯头的柔性芯模是提高薄壁管件成形极限和成形精度的关键因素。
- 22. Winding the silk solution on a rotating mandrel provides control of tube properties like winding pattern, tube porosity and composite features.
- 将丝蛋白溶液涂在旋转卷筒上,可以对图案、管开孔率以及复合特性进行控制。
- 23. The purpose of the article is to study the correlation between mandrel and pinch rolls of down-coiler according to the requirement coiling strip.
- 研究的目的是根据卷取带钢规格的要求,力图从理论上确定地下卷取机夹送辊与卷筒的相互位置。
- 24. In this article, analyse the reason of the mandrel can not use; introduce the project of alteration, and the maintenance measure for the mandrel.
- 本文分析了芯轴不能正常使用的原因,并介绍了技术改造方案及维护措施。
- 25. Cold ring roll process is an advanced plastic processing technology. The feed velocity of mandrel is one of the important parameters in the process.
- 环件冷轧是一种先进的塑性加工工艺,而其中芯辊的进给速度对环件冷轧工艺有重要影响。
- 26. Ensure that the lathe dog is secured to the machined flat on the end of the mandrel and not on the smooth surface of the mandrel taper (Figure 7-44).
- 确保车床轧头牢牢地固定在心轴端的机械平面上,而不是锚定在锥形心轴的平滑面上(图7 - 44)。
- 27. The rubber tube was expansed after inflated, then closed. The soft core that could be favourable to mandrel stripping was used to rubber special tube.
- 用一纯橡胶管充气后使其膨胀然后将其封闭,用作橡胶异型管生产中使用的软芯,能够有利于脱芯。
- 28. The position control of side guider, pinch roll, and mandrel is very important for the whole coil area. It influences directly the success of coiling.
- 侧导板、夹送辊、卷筒的位置控制对整个卷取区至关重要,直接影响卷取成功与否。
- 29. The ejector plate assembly's movement effectively withdraws the central mandrel from the collapsible sleeve, thereby causing it to contract in diameter.
- 顶出板组件的运动有力地把实体新棒从环形套管拉出,因此使环形套管在直径上收缩。
- 30. The ejector plate assembly's movement effectively withdraws the central mandrel from the collapsible sleeve, thereby causing it to contract in diameter.
- 顶出板组件的运动有力地把实体新棒从环形套管拉出,因此使环形套管在直径上收缩。