- 1. The dimensions of a mandala are the sphere of your mind.
- 这坛城的象度即是你心量的境界。
- 2. The mandala of between machine available conveyor inferiorly.
- 其中间的机器之间可用输送机相接。
- 3. General the monks have been making this mandala of sand for many days.
- 将军,僧侣们制作这个沙坛已经很多天了。
- 4. Has learning the personal Mandala helped you be more balanced in life?
- 学习个人自我环是否帮助您更能协调生活中不同的需要?
- 5. Mandala said its problems had arisen because of the high cost of leasing aircraft.
- Mandala表示,之所以会产生问题,是因为租用飞机的高成本。
- 6. The Body Mandala is surrounded by crescent-shaped areas, which are the offering grounds.
- 身城被新月形地区环绕,此为祭地。
- 7. Continue with preparation, shrine set-up. Continue with drawing of Amitabha Sand Mandala.
- 继续筹备及设置法坛。僧众绘制阿弥陀佛沙坛城。
- 8. The health of the 7 chakras will influence the colors of the aura. (Read the Rainbow Mandala).
- “七轮”(梵文,人体的七个能量中心)的健康会影响到人的气场的颜色。
- 9. The Mind Mandala has two more floor levels, the Exalted Wisdom Mandala and the Great Bliss Mandala.
- 意城还有两重,为‘无上智慧’部和‘极乐’部。
- 10. The Body Mandala represents the Form Body of the Buddha (Rupakaya) and it surrounds the Speech Mandala.
- 身城表现为佛陀的色身(Rupakaya)并且它包围着语城。
- 11. The mandala may have derived from the circular stupa and the ritual of walking around the stupa in a circle.
- 曼荼罗也许是源自圆形的佛塔和环形围绕佛塔行走的典礼。
- 12. And then, thirdly, through the rays manifest all the infinite forms and colors of the mandala of the pinity.
- 其后第三是光芒,本尊和坛城透过光芒显现出无尽的型态与色彩了。
- 13. In the center is the Mind Mandala, which is surrounded by the Speech and Body Mandala, which are similarly shaped.
- 在中心部分的是意城,周围是具有类似形状的语城和身城。
- 14. What color did you decide in painting the edges of the mandala, representing the universe around us (or the center)?
- 你准备绘在曼陀罗边缘(或者是中心)涂上哪一种颜色来代表我们周边的世界?
- 15. The completed Kalachakra Sand Mandala at the venue of the Kalachakra for World Peace in Washington DC on July 12, 2011.
- 在2011年7月12日,在华盛顿为维护世界和平时轮金刚场地完成时轮金刚沙曼陀罗。
- 16. The tea - can prevent tannins overflow, make more glycol, not the mandala flavour unsmooth bitter, still can drink after cool.
- 沏茶——可防止丹宁溢出,使荼味更甘醇、不涩苦、泠后仍可喝。
- 17. According to the Tantra, the Mandala is a kind of sacred place or rite where follower of Tantrisme transportation with spirit.
- 据密宗典籍说,曼荼罗是密宗修行者通过这种形式在其精神世界里交通“神灵”的一种神圣场所或道场。
- 18. Thus it is in accordance with the Dharma and seems to form a protection circle around the mandala of Medicine Guru Buddha in the center.
- 如此就与佛法相吻合,而且看起来就像是在保护环绕在其中间的药师佛坛城。
- 19. Since each grain of sand is charged with the blessings of the ritual process, the entire sand mandala embodies a vast store of spiritual energy.
- 由于每粒沙子的被仪式的过程祝福充满,整个的沙子曼荼罗包含大量灵魂能量储备。
- 20. The image below represents a simplified 2D version of the complete mandala, as in the sand mandala, but not containing any deities or ornaments.
- 以下这张图例表现了一个简化的坛城平面图,如同沙画曼荼罗,但不含有任何佛像和装饰。
- 21. On the white ledge (lhanam) just inside the outer walls, are 12 animals (visible on the sand mandala, not here), depicting the 12 months of the year.
- 白色凸缘(Ihanam)就在外墙内,上有12种动物(沙画曼荼罗可显示,这里无法),代表一年中的12生肖。
- 22. The color sand is applied to the mandala through the end of a metal funnel, which is rasped with another funnel in order to release a fine stream of sand.
- 彩色沙子经过金属漏斗末端被用于曼荼罗,金属漏斗与另外的漏斗一起被打磨过为了释放一条好的沙子流。
- 23. Ladies Tibetan Mandala created by the graphics, both in the breadth of scale, or based, image of the portrait, of the superb performance, a rich imagination are astounding.
- 曼荼罗图形无论是在气魄规模上,还是在取材、形象的刻画上,表现力之高超,想象力之丰富都令人惊叹。
- 24. On a slightly raised platform is the central Great Bliss Mandala, with a large green lotus on which the main Deity Kalachakra with his consort Vishvamata resides, surrounded by the 8 Shaktis.
- 稍高处的中心部分为‘极乐’部,上有巨大的绿色莲花,时轮明王与其明妃Vishvamata(时间女神)居于此,周围有8位佛母。
- 25. On a slightly raised platform is the central Great Bliss Mandala, with a large green lotus on which the main Deity Kalachakra with his consort Vishvamata resides, surrounded by the 8 Shaktis.
- 稍高处的中心部分为‘极乐’部,上有巨大的绿色莲花,时轮明王与其明妃Vishvamata(时间女神)居于此,周围有8位佛母。