- 1. There were only one or two serious allegations of malpractice.
- 只有一两起严肃的渎职指控。
- 2. One could even say it is marketing malpractice.
- 人们甚至可以将它称为营销违规行为。
- 3. The doctor was detained because of malpractice.
- 这个医生因渎职罪被拘留。
- 4. So, we have more exact recognition to the concept of the malpractice.
- 这样,使我们对医疗事故的概念有了更加确切的认识。
- 5. And he took on a major concern for doctors: the fear of a malpractice lawsuit.
- 同时,他也对医生们最担心的一个问题表达了意见,那就是医疗失误引起的法律诉讼。
- 6. One doctor in Texas appeared at his own medical-malpractice trial in blue jeans.
- 得克萨斯州一名医生穿着蓝色牛仔裤出席自己医疗失误案的法庭审判。
- 7. Let's look at a sample case study to better understand why this is a malpractice.
- 我们来检查一个样例案例研究,以便更好地理解为何这是一种不良实践。
- 8. And half of medical malpractice payments were gobbled up by lawyers and overheads.
- 一半的医疗事故赔款落入律师囊中或者作为杂项支出。
- 9. "It's not the same as malpractice," said Laurie Levenson, a professor at Loyola Law School.
- 同时,Loyola法学院的教授LaurieLevenson称,过失性杀人并不同于一般的渎职。
- 10. For instance Republicans elected in November may well return to the issue of malpractice costs.
- 例如今年11月选出的共和党人很可能会回到医疗事故赔偿费用的问题上来。
- 11. But along with the enterprise scale gradual expansion, its malpractice also unceasingly appears.
- 但随着企业规模的逐渐扩大,其弊端也不断显现。
- 12. Doctors across the country are quitting their jobs because they can't afford malpractice insurance.
- 全国的医生在放弃他们的工作,因为他们负担不起职业过失保险。
- 13. He announced a new initiative to create pilot projects intended to curb medical malpractice lawsuits.
- 他公布了创建试点项目的新方案,旨在控制医疗事故诉讼。
- 14. Best idea: create medical courts run by experts to rule on malpractice claims, with no punitive damages.
- 最好的办法:建立由专家组成的医疗法庭来裁决医疗事故案,不进行惩罚性赔偿。
- 15. But just sharing ever more information will not save society from business malpractice and corporate psychopaths.
- 但是,仅仅公布更多的信息不会让社会远离商业舞弊行为和企业病态。
- 16. The remainder of this article looks at this particular malpractice, and why this situation can become a big deal.
- 本文余下部分将讨论这种特定不良实践,以及这种情况为何普遍存在。
- 17. Indeed, we believe that if you're not thinking about such collaboration, you'll soon be guilty of strategy malpractice.
- 事实上,我们相信,如果你还没有在考虑这种合作,你很快就要为战略失误而悔恨不已。
- 18. Russia has long criticised the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe for daring to highlight election malpractice.
- 俄罗斯长期以来批评欧洲安全与合作组织竟敢公然在选举时营私舞弊。
- 19. We also explain some possible solutions for each malpractice, and provide Pointers to additional documentation for further research.
- 我们还介绍了每个错误实践的一些可能解决方案并提供了到相关文档的链接,供您进一步研究。
- 20. He has talked to medical men who have participated in executions and to others who have become prosecuting lawyers in malpractice suits.
- 他的谈话对象包括参加过死刑的医疗人员,还有成为了医疗事故上诉律师的。
- 21. For his third wish, Fischell took on the medical malpractice system, which, he believes, puts doctors at the mercy of lawyers and insurers.
- 他的第三个愿望,Fischell想去完成一个医疗失职行为监测系统,他信心,使用这套系统,可以使医生摆脱律师和保险公司的控制。
- 22. Compensatory? damages are supposed to compensate inpiduals for their losses from medical malpractice, and other careless or reckless behavior.
- 补偿性赔偿旨在补偿受害人因为医疗事故或者其他失职行为所受到的损害。
- 23. Turns out that the public information you can get, such as malpractice claims, doesn't really help separate the great doctors from the crummy ones.
- 相反,如果你得到的信息来源于大众媒体,例如医生发生了治疗不当发生而引起的索赔,它也不会对你区分好医生和那些庸医有任何实质性的帮助。
- 24. The quality of care is low: 40% of urban maternal deaths are caused by using the wrong medicine, by botched surgery or by other forms of malpractice.
- 而医院对孕妇的呵护质量相当低——错误用药、粗糙手术和其它形式的不当治疗导致40%的城市准妈妈死于非命。
- 25. Whether or not a scan is needed, the system usually pays if a doctor orders it-and the scan might help defend the doctor against a malpractice claim.
- 不管是否需要,如果医生订购扫描仪,医院就会付账- - - - -这台扫描仪或许可以帮助医生反对索赔。
- 26. A new commission set up by China to monitor scientific malpractice should look beyond the ACTS of inpiduals to the way that the country's science is run.
- 注意到个人的行为,也应该注意到中国科学运作的方式。
- 27. A new commission set up by China to monitor scientific malpractice should look beyond the ACTS of inpiduals to the way that the country's science is run.
- 注意到个人的行为,也应该注意到中国科学运作的方式。