- 1. Malefic thoughts spread laziness, procrastination, etc.
- 不好的想法散播懒惰,拖沓等等。
- 2. This can be good if the planet is a malefic or poorly spected.
- 如果行星本身是一颗煞星或者存在不良相位的话,这就是件好事情。
- 3. The malefic influences, of this snobbery are rapidly spreading all over the world.
- 这种势利的有害影响正迅速扩散到全世界。
- 4. Any planet in mediocre zodiacal state hasan influence intermediate between that of a benefic and a malefic.
- 任何黄道状态中庸的星体,其效用介于吉星与凶星之间。
- 5. Bad aspects from a naturally malefic Planet cause considerable trouble in the affairs signified by the Houses in which they fall.
- 凶星的负面相位,会引发其所落宫位代表事件的巨大的麻烦。
- 6. The other thing that you need to know is the concept of benefic and malefic planets, as well as the correlate concept of planetary sect.
- 你还有件需要知道的事情,那就是吉星和凶星的概念,还有他们之间相互的联系。
- 7. By means of its good aspects a naturally malefic Planet will produce a certain success or fortune in the midst of moderate difficulties.
- 凶星的正面相位意味着,在比较温和的困境中,会产生一定的成就或者财富。
- 8. As the film begins, the Ministry of Magic is crumbling in the malefic grip of Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes), and Harry has a price on his head.
- 在剧情的开始,魔法部在伏地魔(拉尔夫·费因斯)势力的渗透下危机四伏,而哈利的价值正是他的生命。
- 9. In conjunctions, the quality of the effects depends on the benefic or malefic nature of the Planets concerned, as well as their Zodiacal state.
- 对于合相,影响力的性质取决于其相关的行星的凶吉性以及黄道属性。
- 10. Calling upon the malefic pit lords and their barbarous leader, Mannoroth the Destructor, Archimonde hoped to establish a fighting elite that would scour creation of all life.
- 他号令罪恶的深渊领主和他们的野蛮的首领毁灭者玛诺洛斯·阿克·蒙德希望建立起能够摧毁一切生命的杰出力量。
- 11. Calling upon the malefic pit lords and their barbarous leader, Mannoroth the Destructor, Archimonde hoped to establish a fighting elite that would scour creation of all life.
- 他号令罪恶的深渊领主和他们的野蛮的首领毁灭者玛诺洛斯·阿克·蒙德希望建立起能够摧毁一切生命的杰出力量。