- 1. They raked the streets with machine-gun fire.
- 他们用机枪在街上扫射。
- 2. A few days before, he had run right into machine-gun fire, right into it.
- 几天以前,他就直冲了到一台机关枪前面,不偏不倚,就在正前面。
- 3. He listened to immediately issued a machine-gun over, clamored to overthrow me.
- 他听了立即发了个机关枪过来,嚷嚷着要打倒我。
- 4. Here a young rebel poses with his machine-gun in Kalemie, southeast Congo, on Sept. 2, 1998.
- 图中是一名幼小叛军端着机关枪在摆姿势,1998年9月2日摄于刚果东南部的卡莱米。
- 5. ABOUT 30 yards from a machine-gun-toting policeman guarding the American embassy in London stands a smart town house.
- 在离携枪的警察守卫的美国驻伦敦大使馆大约30码远的地方有一栋小洋房。
- 6. It's a place where you can see the cost of the struggle, like the Ottoman-era buildings with their roofs blown off and sea walls raked by machine-gun fire.
- 在这里你可以亲眼看到战争必须付出的代价:奥特曼时代的古老建筑被炮火掀去了屋顶,墙壁上到处是机关枪留下的累累弹痕。
- 7. "The wishes in our hearts to sacrifice for our motherland enable us to endure the hardship," said Gao Teng, a machine-gun toting soldier from Jiangxi province.
- 来自江西省的持枪方队战士高腾说:“我们心里有一种为祖国奉献一切的信念,这种信念让我们能够忍受这些艰苦。”
- 8. It was machine gun fire.
- 是机关枪在扫射。
- 9. Because he has invented the machine gun.
- 因为他发明了机关枪。
- 10. The machine gun isn't taken down easily.
- 这机关枪不容易拆卸。
- 11. He had been mistaken for the inventor of the machine gun.
- 他被误认为是机关枪的发明者。
- 12. Bullets were fed into a machine gun.
- 子弹已装入机关枪中。
- 13. Finally I've got used to my machine gun.
- 我现在已经习惯了我的机关枪。
- 14. The bullets will soon feed into the machine gun.
- 这些子弹马上要装入机枪。
- 15. The machine gun rattled away.
- 机枪格格地响个不停。
- 16. Including a 30mm cannon, machine gun and 300 horsepower engine.
- 它有30mm口径的加农,机关枪和300马力的发动机。
- 17. We crossed over the canal bridge and suddenly drove into a wall of machine gun fire.
- 我们开过上面提到的那座小桥,突然遭遇机关枪的密集扫射。
- 18. Dozens of others wait their turn as Khan, whose home village is in the embattled eastern province of Khost, fires rounds from an M240 machine gun.
- 有几十名新兵也和汗一样排队使用M240机关枪进行扫射训练。汗的老家在战火纷飞的阿富汗东部省份霍斯特。
- 19. One of them called herself Machine Gun Kelly; her act included a coffin.
- 其中一个女人将她自己称作机关枪凯莉;她的节目里有一个棺材。
- 20. You've invented not only the famous Kalashnikov machine gun itself but also a national brand which every Russian, every citizen of our country is proud of.
- 您不仅制造出了著名的卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪,你还让它成为了每一个俄罗斯人,每一个国民都为之骄傲的民族品牌。
- 21. Two seats to the rear, Jerod Reyes, another freshman, was playing SAS, an online shooting game in which players fire a machine gun at attacking zombies.
- 倒数第二排的同一年级的杰洛德瑞伊斯正在玩SAS一种在线射击游戏 游戏者要用机关枪瞄准前来袭击的僵尸。
- 22. This toy machine gun dismantles easily.
- 这种玩具机关枪很容易拆卸。
- 23. Kasab, the baby-faced militant who was photographed striding through the railway station with a machine gun, was eventually overpowered by a police constable whom he had shot five times.
- 有着一张娃娃脸的激进分子卡萨伯被拍到正拿着一把机关枪大步穿过火车站,他最终被一名警察制服,他朝这名警察开过五枪。
- 24. Murphy completely hulked out, killed everyone in the gun nest, then used their weaponry to kill every baddie in a 100-yard radius, including two more machine gun nests and a bunch of snipers.
- 他出离愤怒,先杀尽了工事里的每一名德国佬,然后用他们的武器将方圆100码内清理了个干净,包括另外两个机枪工事和一帮狙击手。
- 25. He was sent into southern France in 1944. He encountered a German machine gun crew who pretended they were surrendering, then shot his best buddy.
- 1944年,奥迪•墨菲被派到法国南部,在哪儿遭遇了德军的一个机枪小队,这群混球诈降后射杀了他最好的兄弟。
- 26. Sometimes they are forced to skirt the concrete machine gun emplacements of Iranian border guards, at others they have to wade across freezing mountain streams or negotiate sheer precipices.
- 有时,他们被迫绕过伊朗边防军的混凝土机枪阵地,有时,他们不得不趟过寒冷的山涧溪流或绕过峻峭的悬崖。
- 27. Sometimes they are forced to skirt the concrete machine gun emplacements of Iranian border guards, at others they have to wade across freezing mountain streams or negotiate sheer precipices.
- 有时,他们被迫绕过伊朗边防军的混凝土机枪阵地,有时,他们不得不趟过寒冷的山涧溪流或绕过峻峭的悬崖。