- 1. Police have made a macabre discovery.
- 警察有了个可怕的发现。
- 2. Log on to the Hammer Web ring, with 12 more sites devoted to macabre movies.
- 登录哈默的相关系列网站,就会找到另外12个专门提供恐怖电影的网站。
- 3. Italian artist Bolla has transformed them into something a bit more sinister—macabre tokens of death that include an AK-47 assault rifle and human remains.
- 意大利艺术家波拉将它们变成了一种更加凶险的东西——令人毛骨悚然的死亡象征,其中包括一把 AK-47突击步枪和一些人类遗骸。
- 4. It's become a macabre way to pay your debts.
- 这成为了一种残酷的还债方式。
- 5. I wasn 't there, but it must have been macabre.
- 我没有在场,不过那一定很恐怖。
- 6. Most objects are violent, raw, macabre, and deliberately so.
- 大多数展品看上去粗暴,原始而又骇人,而且是刻意为之的。
- 7. But before macabre meant macabre why call the dance of death macabre?
- 那macabre怎么又跟死亡之舞扯上了?
- 8. It's a bit macabre to think of that but we have become a world-wide phenomenon.
- 提到这个让人有些毛骨悚然,但是这说明我们已经成为一个世界范围的现象了。
- 9. An angry curse not open Xing said those macabre cursing, I am not going to listen.
- 一生气不开兴就说那些骂人不堪入耳的脏话,我很听不下去。
- 10. We in English gained the word from an art form known as the danse macabre or the dance of death.
- 英语里的macabre一词源自一种叫danse macabre(死亡之舞)的画。
- 11. His tales of the macabre, with death and beauty closely intertwined, were admired by many editors.
- 他那些以死亡为主题的故事,将死亡和美紧密的交织在了一起,得到了众多编辑的青睐。
- 12. This macabre offering shows some much-loved cartoon characters taking part in a grisly dissection.
- 这幅壁画描写了一些可爱的卡通形象正在参加一个很恐怖的解剖活动。
- 13. His witty and often macabre tales won him critical acclaim and he was a successful short-story writer.
- 他的机智和恐怖的故事常常为他赢得好评,他是一个成功的短篇小说作家。
- 14. I also read a review that said their onstage antics are way more bizarre and macabre than they used to be.
- 我甚至还读了评论文章,其中说他们的现场会更让人亢奋。
- 15. In his introductory monologue, he tried to point out that he was a nice guy despite his sometimes macabre roles.
- 他在介绍词中特意指出,自己其实是一个很好的人,尽管有时会饰演一些可怕的角色。
- 16. "For me," Jordan writes in an artist statement, "kneeling over their carcasses is like looking into a macabre mirror."
- “对我来说,”乔丹颇具艺术家气息,他写到,“跪在它们的尸体前就像正对着一面骇人的镜子。”
- 17. Here, even the songbird pinned its prey up on cactus spikes to dismember them and then left the corpses hanging in a macabre larder.
- 在这里,就连鸣鸟也会将猎物钉在仙人掌的刺上,并肢解啄食它们,然后让残尸挂在那骇人的食橱中。
- 18. Love? This wasn't love! This was madness. Insanity. He was crazy. He'd taken something of beauty and twisted it into macabre reality.
- 爱?这不是爱!这是病态的。他是个疯子。他将美好的事物撕烂,丢进了这残酷的现实中。
- 19. Urban legends have been around forever, as fear of the unknown gets spun into macabre tales that proliferate with each person who hears them.
- 对未知的恐惧被编造成令人毛骨悚然的故事随之扩散开来,都市传言便一直流传在人群之间。
- 20. Wind through the streets of fallen leaves, ushered in the light of the pace of a group of devil, let us tonight Dance Macabre, Ghost Talk it!
- 风吹过街上的落叶,迎来一群步伐轻盈的小鬼,让我们在今夜群魔乱舞、鬼话连篇吧!
- 21. Even worse, I had daily macabre fantasies of being operated on while I was still conscious, and watching my skin and organs being ripped apart.
- 更糟糕的是,我每天都会有种超恐怖的幻想,就是在我还清醒的时候就被开刀了,然后眼睁睁地看着我的皮肤和内脏一点点被刀子拉开。
- 22. Meaty dish... hearty Latvian dishes and a macabre cake topped with realistic-looking body parts such as fingers, noses and tongues are on the menu.
- 肉盘…在菜单上,丰盛的拉脱维亚菜肴和骇人的蛋糕,配上逼真手指,鼻子和舌头等部位。
- 23. I heard that today is Halloween Halloween, ah, street Dance Macabre, remember to go home early, ah, shut the doors and Windows before going to sleep good!
- 听说今天是万圣节鬼节啊,大街上群魔乱舞,记得早早回家啊,临睡前把门窗关好啊!
- 24. Yet medical monstrosities that are hardly any better undoubtedly continue, almost as a matter of macabre routine, in America, Britain and many other countries.
- 然而,医疗上出现的可怕事件如洪水猛兽一般,并不比安乐死的情况更好。它们无疑会在英美以及其他国家中继续肆虐,几乎成了令人恐怖的常规。
- 25. Yet medical monstrosities that are hardly any better undoubtedly continue, almost as a matter of macabre routine, in America, Britain and many other countries.
- 然而,医疗上出现的可怕事件如洪水猛兽一般,并不比安乐死的情况更好。它们无疑会在英美以及其他国家中继续肆虐,几乎成了令人恐怖的常规。