- 1. 1943 - First synthesis of LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide, by Albert Hoffman.
- 1943年的今天,阿尔伯特·霍夫曼首次合成出了LSD——麦角二乙酰胺。
- 2. Edwin Wintermute and his colleagues at Harvard have engineered yeast cells to carry out two of six steps in the pathway needed to make lysergic acid, the precursor of LSD.
- 埃德温·温特·姆特(EdwinWintermute)和他在哈佛的同事已经通过基因工程改造了酵母细胞,在产生麦角酸——LSD的前体——的六步反应路径中已经实现了其中的两步。
- 3. Swiss scientist Albert Hofmann took an unexpected journey of the mind in April 1943 when he accidentally absorbed one of his chemical discoveries, lysergic acid diethylamide, through his fingertips.
- 1943年4月,瑞士科学家阿尔伯特·霍夫曼不小心在指尖粘了一点麦角酸二乙基酰胺,从而进行了一次意料之外的心灵之旅。
- 4. Swiss scientist Albert Hofmann took an unexpected journey of the mind in April 1943 when he accidentally absorbed one of his chemical discoveries, lysergic acid diethylamide, through his fingertips.
- 1943年4月,瑞士科学家阿尔伯特·霍夫曼不小心在指尖粘了一点麦角酸二乙基酰胺,从而进行了一次意料之外的心灵之旅。