- 1. "I promise," John said loyally.
- “我保证。”约翰忠诚地说。
- 2. They have loyally supported their party and their leader.
- 他们忠心耿耿地支持自己的政党和领导人。
- 3. She has loyally and unselfishly spent every day at her husband's side.
- 她忠实而无私地在她丈夫身边度过了每一天。
- 4. "Of course I am," said the Mole, loyally.
- “当然啦。”鼹鼠莫尔忠心耿耿地说。
- 5. He has lain underground for 2,000 years, loyally doing his duty.
- 他在地下埋藏了2000年,只为忠诚的履行自己的职责。
- 6. The enterprise must use its own loyally trade customer's loyalty.
- 企业必须以自己的忠诚换顾客的忠诚。
- 7. Yet the vast majority of Namibians still loyally support their liberation party.
- 而大多数的纳米比亚人仍然很忠诚地支持他们的解放党。
- 8. The Gamorreans, including Ortugg the axeman, served him loyally ever since.
- 包括斧兵奥图格在内的加莫人从此向他效忠。
- 9. Bao cubes loyally according to the wishes accommodation of host little young master, shellfish.
- 鲍丁忠心地按照主人的意愿照顾小少爷,贝。
- 10. And pooches that tagged along with mail carriers so loyally that they became the stuff of legend.
- 邮差狗非常忠诚地紧随着邮递员因此已经成为了传奇。
- 11. He gives loyally his taxes and his blood to a society for which he feels fear as much as respect.
- 他忠心耿耿地向他既敬且畏的社会交上自己的血汗和租税。
- 12. So when a board requests a resignation, as it did at Fujitsu, employees loyally fall on their swords.
- 所以,当董事会要求辞退某人,向富士通辞退野副州旦这样,公司员工的忠诚度会迅速上升。
- 13. "You must accomplish loyally the commission with which I deign to charge you," said the young woman.
- “你必须忠实地完成我赏脸派给你的差事,”那年轻女人说。
- 14. Her team proudly owns their role as "gladiators in suits," loyally following their white-hatted leader.
- 她的团队也自豪地将自己的角色形容为“穿着西装的角斗士”,忠心耿耿地追随着自己正义的老板。
- 15. This article will study the relevance which emphatically the leadership strength and the staff manage loyally.
- 本文将着重研究领导力和员工忠诚管理的相关性。
- 16. Loyally wishes you to stay at the hotel period journey to be happy, welcome your once more presence we the hotel!
- 衷心祝愿您在下榻我酒店期间旅途愉快,欢迎您再次光临我们酒店!
- 17. While Hotaru is still loving him loyally, he gets interested in another girl, who is in some cases a friend or family!
- 在萤仍深爱着他的时候,他却看上了别的女孩,有几个还是萤的朋友甚至家人!
- 18. A loyalty nurtures the human, a compassion helps the human, a sincerity is people, a piece offers the country loyally.
- 一片丹心育人,一片爱心助人,一片真心为民,一片忠心献国。
- 19. Who could have anticipated that the child fans of the original story would loyally follow the series well into their 20s?
- 而又有谁料想到忠实的波特迷们会伴随这个故事跨入20岁的年纪?
- 20. That was when I knew that to redeem myself I must find the true king, and serve him loyally with all the strength that still remained me.
- 这时候我知道为了赎罪我得找到真正的国王用我残存的每一分力为他效忠。
- 21. It was Anakin Skywalker who loyally delivered news of this discovery to Windu, though the Jedi Master still did not fully trust the young Jedi.
- 阿纳金·天行者忠诚地向温杜汇报了这个发现,但是这位绝地大师还是不肯完全信任年轻的绝地。
- 22. This research provides a strategic way for the local enterprises to brandlize their affections and also a tool for enterprises to loyally do the marketing.
- 本研究为本土企业情感品牌化、为企业忠诚度营销提供了一条战略路径和工具。
- 23. Not, Scarlett loyally hastened to tell herself, that she would prefer a mother like Mrs. Tarleton to Ellen, but still it would be fun to romp with a mother.
- 不,思嘉立即暗自说,她这并不是想宁愿要一个像塔尔顿夫人那样的母亲,只是偶然觉得同母亲开开玩笑也很有趣罢了。
- 24. Book is my hand-in-hand friend, she and I are together all along, and she loyally strings along with me and gives me ideaistic edification and a sapiential key.
- 书是我的亲密朋友,多年来它对我不离不弃,忠诚地陪伴守候在我身边,给了我思想的启迪和智慧的钥匙。
- 25. In the new situation, the Party must take stressful measures to loyally represent the advanced productivity from the specific content of the advanced productivity.
- 在新形势下,党必须从中国先进生产力的特定内容出发,采取有力措施,做好中国先进生产力的忠实代表。
- 26. But Li Zhengxun in after marriage bright has been maintaining loyally with the first love sweetheart concurrently top star silver not roentgen ambiguous relations.
- 而李正勋在婚后一直跟初恋情人兼顶级明星银慧贞保持着不伦的暧昧关系。
- 27. But Li Zhengxun in after marriage bright has been maintaining loyally with the first love sweetheart concurrently top star silver not roentgen ambiguous relations.
- 而李正勋在婚后一直跟初恋情人兼顶级明星银慧贞保持着不伦的暧昧关系。