- 1. Jane gave me the low-down on the other guests at the party.
- 简告诉了我聚会上其他来宾的真实情况。
- 2. Read newspaper and magazine articles for the low-down on how those companies are doing.
- 在报纸和杂志上找寻这些公司的真实状况。
- 3. Scarlett: you low-down, cowardly, nasty thing, you! They were right. Everybody was right. You aren't a gentleman.
- 思嘉:你下流、怯懦、无耻。你!他们说的对,他们都对,你,你不是一个君子。
- 4. From these humble origins, Langston developed a deep admiration for those he called "low-down folks," poor people who had a strong sense of emotion and pride.
- 由于出身卑微,蓝斯顿很喜欢这些他称为“低下阶层”的贫穷人们,他认为他们拥有强烈的情感及自尊心。
- 5. The guide has the low-down on over 100 of the most influential business-management ideas and more than 50 of the world’s most influential management thinkers.
- 本书通俗易懂地介绍了100多种最具影响力的企业管理理念,50多位世界上最具影响力的管理思想家。
- 6. The guide has the low-down on more than 50 of the world's most influential management thinkers past and present and over 100 of the most influential business-management ideas.
- 20英镑,该书介绍了古往今来50多位世界最有影响力的管理学大师的真实情况及超过100种最有影响力的企业管理理念。
- 7. The guide has the low-down on more than 50 of the world’s most influential management thinkers past and present and over 100 of the most influential business-management ideas.
- 该书简单介绍了从过去到现在五十多位世界最具影响力管理学大师,以及多达一百多条最具影响的管理学理念。
- 8. The guide has the low-down on more than 50 of the world’s most influential management thinkers past and present and over 100 of the most influential business-management ideas.
- (传记类书籍;共322页,售价20英镑)这部指南涵盖了50多位世界级久负盛名的古今管理大师的内幕和100多种最富影响力商业管理理念。
- 9. Insects are fairly low down (on) the food chain.
- 在食物链中,昆虫是相当低的一级生物。
- 10. He turned the lights down low.
- 他把灯光调得暗了一些。
- 11. I'll cut it low down and see.
- 我要把低处切下来看看。
- 12. Feeling for the catch, he found to his fury that it was low down, beyond his reach.
- 他摸着鱼,愤怒地发现鱼已经沉下去了,他够不着。
- 13. With the College Entrance Examination around the corner, I am very nervous and in low spirits because I am afraid of letting my parents down.
- 高考即将来临,因为害怕让父母失望,我非常紧张,情绪低落。
- 14. Coal prices also are low, owing to oversupply and the scaling-down of demand, especially from China, which bums half of the world's coal.
- 煤炭价格也很低,原因是供应过剩和需求下降,尤其是来自中国的需求,中国消耗了全球一半的煤炭。
- 15. Coal prices also are low, owing to over-supply and the scaling-down of demand, especially from China, which burns half of the world's coal.
- 因为供应过剩和需求下降,煤炭价格也很低,尤其是消耗了全球一半煤炭的中国的需求下降。
- 16. She was in a long dress and had a hat pulled down low over her eyes.
- 她穿着一件长裙,帽子拉得很低,遮住了眼睛。
- 17. Job-creation schemes for graduates are very low down in ministerial in-trays.
- 为毕业生创造就业机会的计划在政府部门的公文中处于非常低的位置。
- 18. Those low temperature alarms shall fail to down scale position.
- 那些低温警报器不能缩小位置。
- 19. And the only available land was either high up on the hills above the city, where the views are unrivalled but the risk of landslides ever-present, or low down on the flood plains.
- 现成的地只有城市之上的山冈,虽然有无与伦比的视角,但是长期以来有山体滑坡的威胁;又或者只能把房子盖到洪水泛滥的平原地区。
- 20. For locations in Scotland and Northern Ireland, totality was expected to be entirely visible, with the Moon low down after the time of greatest eclipse.
- 而在苏格兰和北爱尔兰,月全食的整个过程都可以观赏的到,在月食最大食过后,月亮才会落下。
- 21. Meanwhile, the U.S. Commerce Department reported that new home construction plummeted to an all-time low, down 17 percent in January from the previous month.
- 与此同时,美国商务部报告,新房建造率下降到最低点。一月份新房建造比前一个月下降了17%。
- 22. You might expect carbon footprints to be very low down on the list of priorities for most football clubs when their over-riding priority is either winning silverware or avoiding relegation.
- 对大多数不是期待奖杯就是为了避免降级的俱乐部而言,你也能想象碳足迹在他们的日程中的低顺位。
- 23. The result has been a hothouse culture where creativity is king, attention focuses inward, and marketability falls low down the list of corporate priorities.
- 久而久之,本田养成了一种创意为王的温室文化,将注意力集中在公司内部,产品的适销性反而没有得到足够的关注。
- 24. Even February 27th's 400-point fall in the dow Jones Industrial Average came low down the historical league table of percentage daily falls.
- 甚至在2月27日道琼斯工业平均指数下跌400点这样开创单日跌幅之最的事件也不例外。
- 25. Low down the anticipation in advance then the concern's for people could be more comfortable.
- 少一点预设的期待,那份对人的关怀会更自在。
- 26. When you put a person with no down payment (or a low down payment) in a home that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, you are asking for trouble.
- 当银行电脑系统同意让一个没有预付首期贷款(或者只付了很低额度)的人去买一间价值成千上万美元的房子,这其实就是在自找麻烦。
- 27. Here we have two hundred head of horses on this campus — more than any other university in the Western Conference except Purdue — and yet you never get any real low down on them.
- 咱们学校有200匹马——比加入西部联合会的哪一所大学都多,除了普渡大学之外——可你从未真正把它们写进去。
- 28. Here we have two hundred head of horses on this campus — more than any other university in the Western Conference except Purdue — and yet you never get any real low down on them.
- 咱们学校有200匹马——比加入西部联合会的哪一所大学都多,除了普渡大学之外——可你从未真正把它们写进去。