- 1. Which model loupe do I need?
- 我需要哪种类型的双目放大镜?
- 2. Additionally it has a screen loupe and a RGB value window.
- 它具有一个屏幕放大镜功能和一个RG B值窗口。
- 3. You would need a jeweller's loupe the size of the Sun to grade this diamond.
- 要评价这颗钻石的等级,需要使用像太阳那么大的珠宝商专用放大镜。
- 4. Inspects worn dies to ascertain extent of wear, using loupe, steel gauge pins, and micrometer.
- 使用放大镜、针规和千分尺检查模具的磨损程度。
- 5. A photographer's loupe or magnifying glass will make it even easier to identify any problem areas.
- 摄影师的小型放大镜或放大镜可以将这些问题放大,并能很容易的鉴别出来问题所在。
- 6. This loupe is a low magnification microscopic system, it can enlarge very small structures and get clear and upright images.
- 这个放大镜是一个低倍显微镜系统,它可以放大极小的结构,从而得到清晰直观的图象。
- 7. A good hand lens or loupe of 6x-10x therefore becomes a necessity for inspecting new arrivals and your collection up close and personal.
- 手持式放大镜或6 - 10倍的放大镜是必须的,这样你才能更好地一一检查新入门的和旧有的植株。
- 8. So, you placed your slides or negatives on the lightbox and, using a loupe, which is just a fancy magnifying glass, you inspected each image.
- 因此,我们可以将幻灯片和底片放在lightbox上,然后使用一种小型放大镜来检查图像。
- 9. Each usually comes with a diagram, marking the position of the tiny specks of carbon that can be seen when viewed through a "loupe", the jeweller's 10x magnification tool.
- 每张通行证通常会配有一张图表,记录着钻石上微小的碳质瑕疵的位置,通过珠宝商特制的一种10x倍率的“放大镜”能看到这些瑕疵。
- 10. You can often spot filled diamonds with a 10 power loupe, but using a binocular microscope is easier. In most states, it is against the law to sell you a treated diamond without first telling you.
- 你可以通过十倍小型珠宝放大镜辨别此类加工过的钻石,如果使用双目显微镜会更加容易辨别。
- 11. You can often spot filled diamonds with a 10 power loupe, but using a binocular microscope is easier. In most states, it is against the law to sell you a treated diamond without first telling you.
- 你可以通过十倍小型珠宝放大镜辨别此类加工过的钻石,如果使用双目显微镜会更加容易辨别。