- 1. On June 7, when passing Loris room to leave for work, I opened the door and slipped the album inside.
- 6月7日,当我路过罗利斯房间时要去上班时,我打开了房间门,并把相册偷偷放进去。
- 2. The slow loris is the world's only poisonous primate.
- 懒猴是世界上唯一有毒的灵长类动物。
- 3. If ever an animal needed to be fast, it is the slow loris.
- 如果世界上也有动物需要提速的话,那就是懒猴了。
- 4. We must protect loris, for there are few left in the world.
- 懒猴已经为数不多了,我们一定要保护它们!
- 5. Loris bites cause a painful swelling, and the toxin is mild and not fatal.
- 被懒猴咬到会导致一个疼痛的肿胀这个毒素是温和但不致命。
- 6. A Thai police officer holds a slow loris rescued during a raid at the Chatuchak market in Bangkok on March 22, 2008.
- 2008年3月22日,泰国警官捧着在曼谷恰图恰周末市场突击搜查中救出的一只懒猴。
- 7. An eight-month-old female slender loris waits to be given her first health check by the veterinary team at London Zoo.
- 在伦敦动物园,八个月大的雌性懒猴身体显瘦,正等待兽医为她做第一次健康检查。
- 8. And legend has it that villagers anxious about traffic safety need only bury a loris beneath a new road to keep it free from accidents.
- 而且传说中,担心交通安全的村民只需将一只懒猴埋在新建道路的路面下,就可以永保这条路没有车祸。
- 9. Its venom is stored in an elbow patch: the loris will suck in the poison from the patch, then mix it around in its mouth before delivering a toxic bite.
- 它的毒液储存在肘部处:懒猴会从肘部处吸入毒液,然后将毒液在嘴里混嚼,接着就能进行有毒的一咬了。
- 10. By poisonous, the Slow Loris produces a toxin on the inside of its elbows through a gland, which if eaten, would give you quite an extreme case of stomach pain.
- 通过引起中毒,懒猴可以一个在它肘下的腺体里产生毒素,这个毒素如果被食用的话,它使你的胃迅速地剧痛。
- 11. By poisonous, the Slow Loris produces a toxin on the inside of its elbows through a gland, which if eaten, would give you quite an extreme case of stomach pain.
- 通过引起中毒,懒猴可以一个在它肘下的腺体里产生毒素,这个毒素如果被食用的话,它使你的胃迅速地剧痛。