- 1. Green is a defensive lineman for the Atlanta Falcons.
- 格林是亚特兰大猎鹰球队的防守前锋队员。
- 2. A lineman is trying to repair the damaged pylon.
- 线务员正试图修理被损坏的电缆塔。
- 3. The lineman was severely burned by the live wire.
- 电线架设工人被通电的电线严重烧伤。
- 4. The best defensive lineman Notre Dame's produced in the last 20 years. Maybe ever.
- 是近20年来圣母大学的最好的防守队员。或许是永远最好的。
- 5. The lineman must be isolated from the ground by using an insulated bucket truck or other method.
- 接线员一定是通过使用绝缘斗卡车或其它方法才与地面绝缘。
- 6. When one lineman called a customer to get her exact address, he was told, "I'm at Post Office Box 99."
- 当一个线路工给一个顾客打电话要确切地址时,他被告之,“我就在99号邮箱那里”。
- 7. The institute was founded after Stringer, a Minnesota Vikings offensive lineman, died of heat stroke in 2001.
- 这个研究所的建立源于前明尼苏达维京队前锋STringer于2001因热中风去世。
- 8. The New York Jets' first-team offense ran through drills while the veteran offensive lineman barely appeared to be a part of the team.
- 在纽约喷气机队一线进攻组练习时,这位进攻内锋没有出现在其中。
- 9. Paul Posluszny, an offensive lineman for the Jacksonville Jaguars, has received two NFL contracts that will pay him between $20 million and $47 million, depending on how he performs.
- 保罗•波斯卢什尼是美洲虎队的进攻内锋,他得到了两份全美橄榄球联盟的合同,根据表现,他可获得2000万-4700万美元的报酬。
- 10. Paul Posluszny, an offensive lineman for the Jacksonville Jaguars, has received two NFL contracts that will pay him between $20 million and $47 million, depending on how he performs.
- 保罗•波斯卢什尼是美洲虎队的进攻内锋,他得到了两份全美橄榄球联盟的合同,根据表现,他可获得2000万-4700万美元的报酬。