- 1. Still, like the banking crisis which gave him a bounce last autumn, the expenses furore and the liminal feeling it has reinforced offer him a shot at redemption.
- 尽管如此,去年秋季的银行业危机给了他生机,眼下的骗补风暴愈演愈烈,最初赎罪情绪是“小荷才露尖尖角”,现在已经愈演愈烈,这同样也给了他机会。
- 2. Now that the eleven startups have presented, they'll soon have to find their own office space, kicked out of the liminal one inside TechStarsNY's headquarters to make room for a new crop.
- 既然11家初创公司都已进行演示,他们很快将必须找到自己的办公空间,走出TechStarsNY总部的临时办公地点,为新的初创公司腾地方。
- 3. Ultimately, all cultural production can be seen to occur in a liminal environment, since it emerges from the interaction between the inpidual text and the intertexts to which it responds.
- 最后,所有文化产品都能够被视为发生在阈限的情况下,因为它从个体文本和回应的相互文本之间的相互作用中冒现。
- 4. Ultimately, all cultural production can be seen to occur in a liminal environment, since it emerges from the interaction between the inpidual text and the intertexts to which it responds.
- 最后,所有文化产品都能够被视为发生在阈限的情况下,因为它从个体文本和回应的相互文本之间的相互作用中冒现。