- 1. Yet light-fingered supporters of Mr Gilani are allegedly attempting to rival it.
- 但是据称,吉拉尼那些高明的支持者也试图在这方面与其一决高下。
- 2. She can also watch funds that sit unused in state coffers, and move them before any light-fingered officials get there.
- 她还可以监管国库里尚未动用过的基金,在任何手法高明的官员染指之前挪走它们。
- 3. There is also a well-founded suspicion that light-fingered bureaucrats and greedy politicians, the very people who caused the crisis, should be held to account but won’t be.
- 那些擅于妙手空空的贵族和贪婪政客们正是危机的始作俑者。 很多人怀疑他们本该为此负责但终究会逃开。
- 4. Bawling in front of their booths, and yokels looking up at the tinseled dancers and old rouged tumblers, while the light-fingered folk are operating upon their pockets behind.
- 跳舞的穿着浑身发亮的衣服,可怜的翻筋斗老头儿涂着两腮帮子胭脂,引起那些乡下佬睁着眼瞧,不提防后面就有三只手的家伙在掏他们的口袋。
- 5. Bawling in front of their booths, and yokels looking up at the tinselled dancers and poor old rouged tumblers, while the light-fingered folk are operating upon their pockets behind.
- 跳舞的穿着浑身发亮的衣服,可怜的翻斤斗老头儿涂着两腮帮子胭脂,引得那些乡下佬睁着眼瞧,不提防后面就有三只手的家伙在掏他们的口袋。
- 6. Bawling in front of their booths, and yokels looking up at the tinselled dancers and poor old rouged tumblers, while the light-fingered folk are operating upon their pockets behind.
- 跳舞的穿着浑身发亮的衣服,可怜的翻斤斗老头儿涂着两腮帮子胭脂,引得那些乡下佬睁着眼瞧,不提防后面就有三只手的家伙在掏他们的口袋。