- 1. This is nonrefundable, even if the source of the mineral is less prevalent than the lessee predicted it to be or if it is in an unextractable form.
- 即使矿源比承租人预测的要少,或者矿源是不可开采的形式,这也是不可退还的。
- 2. Once the commodity rights are leased, the lessee will issue the owner an up-front payment to explore the property and investigate possible ways to extract the commodity.
- 一旦商品权利被出租,承租人将向所有人支付一笔预付款,用于勘探财产并调查提取商品的可能方式。
- 3. Lessee (hereinafter called party B):********
- 承租方(以下简称乙方):********有限公司
- 4. The lessee never took possession of the apartment.
- 承租人一直没有占有房间。
- 5. NB This is not always to the benefit of the Lessee.
- 本规定不总是对承租人有利。
- 6. In other words, the lessee pays the full value of the asset.
- 也就是说,承租人支付该资产的全部价值。
- 7. If Lessee has been in possession of the shop for at least 5 years.
- 如果承租人拥有该店铺超过5年时间。
- 8. Payment of all building and land taxes shall be borne solely by the Lessee.
- 一切房屋、土地税均由承租方承担。
- 9. The lessee had sought double damages, and challenged the trial court's judgment.
- 承租人要求双倍罚金,认为初审判决有误。
- 10. Before the lessor signs the lease, the lessee must receive a copy of the contract.
- 在出租人签署租赁合同之前,承租人必须要收到合同副本。
- 11. Second, the lessee can exercise the right of first refusal under the same conditions.
- 第二,承租人可以行使优先购买权在同样的条件下。
- 12. New Lessee should receive Disclosure Statement and copy of lease at start of the negotiation.
- 在谈判开始前,新承租人就应收到披露声明和租约副本。
- 13. If the lessee fails to pay the rent according to the time limit, the lessor may rescind the contract.
- 承租人逾期不支付的,出租人可以解除合同。
- 14. The Lessee shall not stock or position anything in the lobby, exit, hallway or stairs of the building.
- 第六款承租人不得私自在大堂、出口、通道及楼梯处存放或摆设任何物品。
- 15. The Lessee agrees to maintain the leased building in good condition and not allow it to further deteriorate.
- 承租人同意将所租建筑保持良好状态,并不得任其损坏。
- 16. While in possession of the lease item, the lessee shall perform the obligations of maintenance and repair thereof.
- 承租人应当履行占有租赁物期间的维修义务。
- 17. We should clarify the legal relations among lessor, lessee and sub-lessee in terms of theory in the two cases.
- 在这两种情形下,出租人、承租人、次承租人相互间的法律关系如何,理论上均应阐明。
- 18. The lessee may sublease the leased premises with the consent of the lessor in accordance with these Procedures.
- 承租人经出租人同意,可以依照本办法将承租房屋转租。
- 19. The leased assets are of a specialized nature that only the lessee can use them without making major modifications.
- 租赁资产性质特殊,如果不作较大改造,只有承租人才能使用。
- 20. The Lessee shall not sub-let the building to any other persons, except with the prior written approval of the Lessor.
- 除非事先有出租人的书面许可,承租人不得把该房再出租给其他任何人。㵱。
- 21. The lessee of the house refers to the unit or inpidual person who has established legal lease relationship with the"owner".
- 房屋承租人,是指与被拆迁人具有合法租赁关系的单位和个人。
- 22. THE LESSEE shall return the property intact to THE LESSOR at the expiration of the contract if there is no renewal thereupon.
- 租赁期满,若甲、乙双方未达成续租协议,乙方应于租期届满时或之前迁离出租房屋并将钥匙及房屋按租用时之状况归还甲方。
- 23. The lessor shall, in accordance with the time and standards provided in the contract, turn over the leased property for the use of the lessee.
- 出租方应按照合同规定时间和标准,将出租的财产交给承租方使用。
- 24. An employer or lessor that fails to report such details shall bear joint and several liability for tax payment with the contractor or lessee.
- 发包人或者出租人不报告的,发包人或者出租人与承包人或者承租人承担纳税连带责任。
- 25. Otherwise, the Lessor will be liable to indemnify the Lessee for all and any losses, damages, expenses or other cost that the Lessee may suffer.
- 否则的话,出租方应负责补偿承租方由此所遭受的损失、损害、支出及其他一切相关费用。
- 26. For whatever reason, if the Lessee leaves the leased building, the Lessee agrees that he shall not claim any damages or removal costs from the Lessor.
- 不论出于何种原因,如果承租人离开所租房屋,承租人同意不得向出租方提出索赔或搬迁费的要求。
- 27. For whatever reason, if the Lessee leaves the leased building, the Lessee agrees that he shall not claim any damages or removal costs from the Lessor.
- 不论出于何种原因,假如承租人离开所租房屋,承租人同意不得向出租方提出索赔或搬迁费的要求。
- 28. For whatever reason, if the Lessee leaves the leased building, the Lessee agrees that he shall not claim any damages or removal costs from the Lessor.
- 不论出于何种原因,假如承租人离开所租房屋,承租人同意不得向出租方提出索赔或搬迁费的要求。