- 1. New legislation makes it an offence to carry guns.
- 新法律规定持枪为犯罪行为。
- 2. This benefit is free of tax under current legislation.
- 按照现行法律此项收益是免税的。
- 3. The rest of the world is less encumbered with legislation.
- 世界上的其它国家没有这般受到立法的约束。
- 4. Legislation requires approval by both houses of parliament.
- 立法须得到议会两院的一致通过。
- 5. Is this situation not susceptible of improvement by legislation?
- 这种状况有无可能通过立法加以改善?
- 6. The company just thumbs its nose at the legislation on pollution.
- 这家公司完全不把污染立法放在眼里。
- 7. Eight senators sponsored legislation to stop the military funding.
- 八位参议员倡议立法停拨军费。
- 8. Proposed legislation affecting bird-keepers has been watered down.
- 事关养鸟人的立法提案已作了缓和修改。
- 9. There are few precedents for this sort of retrospective legislation.
- 此类有追溯效力的立法还鲜有先例。
- 10. The House and Senate are to begin soon hashing out an agreement for sanctions legislation.
- 参众两院很快将通过充分讨论就制裁立法达成一项协议。
- 11. In 1987, Garcia introduced legislation to nationalize Peru's banking and financial systems.
- 1987年,加西亚立法,将秘鲁的银行和财政系统收归国有。
- 12. The government has in the past given qualified support to the idea of tightening the legislation.
- 政府过去对加强立法的观点给予了有保留的支持。
- 13. To avoid delays, she wanted the disaster relief legislation to be kept free of extraneous matters.
- 为避免延误,她希望无关紧要的事不被掺杂进灾害救济立法程序中。
- 14. Many states already have enterprise zones and legislation that encourage investment in depressed areas.
- 许多州都已经有鼓励在萧条地区投资的工业区和立法。
- 15. Major social issues should be the focus of legislation.
- 严重的社会问题应该成为立法的焦点。
- 16. Doctors argue the new legislation will help smokers give up.
- 医生们认为新的立法将帮助吸烟者戒烟。
- 17. They were much more likely to favor social-reform legislation and aid to education.
- 他们远远更倾向于支持社会改革立法和教育援助。
- 18. Legislation is moving through the House that would save USPS an estimated $28.6 billion over five years.
- 众议院正在推进一项立法,预计在五年内将为美国邮政节省286亿美元。
- 19. If these countries can successfully enforce this legislation, the survival of tigers in the wild will be ensured.
- 如果这些国家能够成功地执行这项立法,野生老虎的生存将得到保证。
- 20. Religion and politics, they believed, should be kept clearly separate, and they generally opposed humanitarian legislation.
- 他们认为,宗教和政治应该明确分开,且他们普遍反对人道主义立法。
- 21. The countries in which the tigers' habitats are located are currently debating joint legislation that would ban tiger hunting.
- 老虎栖息地所在的国家目前正在讨论禁止捕猎老虎的联合立法。
- 22. The legislation is still in draft form.
- 这条法规还只是项草案。
- 23. The legislation will be difficult to enforce.
- 这一法规将难以实施。
- 24. Farmers are profiting from the new legislation.
- 新法规使农民受益。
- 25. He gave his assent to the proposed legislation.
- 他对这项拟议法案给予了正式认可。
- 26. New laws will soon replace existing legislation.
- 新法律即将取代现行法规。
- 27. Similar legislation is already in place in Utah.
- 类似的法规已在犹他州实施。
- 28. Legislation will be difficult and will take time.
- 立法既费力又耗时。
- 29. The new legislation concerns health and safety at work.
- 这项新法规涉及工作场所的健康与安全。
- 30. The legislation will be widened to include all firearms.
- 这项法规的范围将扩大到包括所有的枪支。