- 1. I'll call you later on the landline.
- 晚些时候我会用固定线路给你打电话。
- 2. The new system can send a text to a mobile phone, or to another landline phone.
- 新系统可以向手机或向另一台座机发短信。
- 3. How attached are you to your landline?
- 你对座机有多依赖?
- 4. When almost everyone has a mobile phone, why are more than half of Australian homes still paying for a landline?
- 当几乎所有人都有手机时,为什么一半以上的澳大利亚家庭仍然要为座机付钱?
- 5. 55 percent of Australians have a landline phone at home and only just over a quarter (29%) rely only on their smartphones according to a survey.
- 一项调查显示,55%的澳大利亚人在家中拥有座机,仅有29%的人把智能手机作为他们唯一的通讯手段。
- 6. Of those Australians who still have a landline, a third concede that it's not really necessary and they're keeping it as a security blanket—19 percent say they never use it while a further 13 percent keep it in case of emergencies.
- 在那些拥有座机的澳大利亚人中,有三分之一的人承认,座机不是很有必要,他们将其作为一种能带来安全感的东西保留下来。19%的人说他们从未使用过座机,还有13%的人保留座机以防紧急情况。
- 7. The difference between the mobile phone and its parent, the fixed-line phone, is that a mobile number corresponds to a person, while a landline goes to a place.
- 移动电话和它的祖先固定电话的区别在于,移动电话号码对应的是一个人,而固定电话对应的是一个地方。
- 8. What's wrong with the landline?
- 座机坏了吗?
- 9. In many ways the landline network is still an essential utility.
- 固定线路在许多领域仍然起着关键的作用。
- 10. And the gap between wireless and landline users is narrowing fast.
- 无线和有线电话用户数之间的差距正迅速减少。
- 11. Phone conferences and leisurely gabfests should be done on a landline.
- 电话会议和长时间的闲聊应该用座机。
- 12. The death of the landline is a cultural shift that affects our personal and public lives.
- 固定电话的消逝是一场影响着人们私人生活和公共生活的文化变革。
- 13. School-year renters no longer bother with landline phone service; everyone has cell phones.
- 学校校舍不再安装座机,么个人都有手机了。
- 14. In my house, we gave up our landline years ago, so I tested the system using only cellphones.
- 在我家里,我们好几年前就停止使用固定电话了,因此我只用手机测试了VTech系统。
- 15. They just do not have the broadband connectivity that comes from landline cable and fiber optics.
- 他们仅仅是没有广泛的连接能力,比如连接有线电话线和光纤。
- 16. If the decline of the landline continues at its current rate, the last cord will be cut sometime in 2025.
- 如果说按照这个势头衰减下去,到2025年最后一根电话线就会被掐断。
- 17. Nearly 20 percent of American homes had dropped landline service by 2009, relying entirely on cell phones.
- 截止2009年,近20%的美国家庭已经取消了有线电话,转而依赖于手机。
- 18. Verizon has sold bits of its landline businesses in three states and is negotiating to do the same elsewhere.
- Verizon已经在三个州出售了部分固定电话业务,在其他一些地方也在洽谈中。
- 19. The decline in landline use, which has been under way for several years, has picked up speed in recent months.
- 固定电话用户几年中一直在下降,而近几个月速率明显加快。
- 20. Verizon, America’s second-biggest telecoms company, announced a further 8,000 job cuts at its landline pision.
- 美国第二大电信公司Verizon宣布了将进一步在固定电话部门裁员8000人的消息.
- 21. In India, where infrastructure is always a headache, it is hard to get a good basic landline, let alone broadband.
- 在印度,基础设施总是让人头痛,基本固定电话要保持通畅都很困难,更不用说宽带了。
- 22. The iDect iHome Phone is looking to revolutionize the way we use our nearly obsolete landline phones with Android OS.
- 该款iDectiHome电话旨在使用Android操作系统彻底改变我们几近过时的座机电话。
- 23. If you're chatting on a landline call, you can answer an incoming cellphone call by placing the landline call on hold.
- 如果你正在接听固定电话来电,那么只要按保留键,就可以同时接听手机来电。
- 24. Ditched the landline? Use a hands-free device like a headset or talk on speaker phone (preferably the former when in public).
- 除了座机,用免提设备像耳机或者用扬声器电话交谈(公开场合前者更好)。
- 25. Calls to other Skype users are free, while the company charges for those made to both traditional landline phones and mobiles.
- 通过skype呼叫其他用户是免费的,公司只对那些通过skype呼叫传统固定电话和移动手机的行为收费。
- 26. According to his calculations, both firms' landline businesses generate more than 50% of revenues, and an even higher share of costs.
- 根据他的计算,固定电话业务收入占其中收入比重超过50%,而成本所占比例却要高于50%。
- 27. Ofcom also found that cost, more than anything, determined how long people talk for and whether they prefer a landline or a mobile call.
- Ofcom同时发现,和其他因素相比,通讯资费在决定了人们通话的时长以及他们对于座机电话和移动电话的偏好上有决定性作用。
- 28. If each line — landline and cellular — has call waiting, a total of four callers could potentially be linked to the VTech system at once.
- 如果同时有固定电话来电和手机来电,那么总共有四个电话可以同时连接到VTech系统上。
- 29. If each line — landline and cellular — has call waiting, a total of four callers could potentially be linked to the VTech system at once.
- 如果同时有固定电话来电和手机来电,那么总共有四个电话可以同时连接到VTech系统上。