- 1. Kulak never provides the definition for either software engineering or engineering.
- Kulak从未给出软件工程或者工程学的定义。
- 2. The destruction of the kulak class triggered the Ukrainian famine, during which 3 million to 5 million peasants died of starvation.
- 消灭富农阶层导致乌克兰饥荒,期间300-500万农民被饿死。
- 3. McCannell wrote that Kulak "continuously stresses creativity being important for software engineers, no matter what they are called.
- McCannell写道:“Kulak不断地强调创造性对于软件工程师的重要性,无论他们被称作什么皆是如此。
- 4. Because of the usage of the straw man fallacy, Kulak is so worried about attacking things, he does not take the time to show both sides.
- 由于这种稻草人谬误的使用,Kulak非常担心攻击事件,他并没有花费时间来说明事物的正反两个方面。
- 5. Had Kulak called his article "Misconceptions of Software Engineering" or "not all Software Development Requires Engineering," I might not have reacted so strongly.
- 如果Kulak将他的文章称作“对软件工程的误解”或者“并不是所有的软件开发都要求工程”的话,那么我我也许不会做出如此强烈的反应。
- 6. Hoping to write a rebuttal to Mr. Kulak's article, I reread it and found that there was something else worth thinking about, and I doubt it's what Kulak had in mind for his readers.
- 为了反驳Kulak先生的观点,我重读了这篇文章,并且发现还有另一件事值得去思考,我怀疑这正是 Kulak 希望他的读者所得到的。
- 7. picture of students talkingThe November issue of The Agile Journal, an e-zine for the Agile community, contained an article by Daryl Kulak titled "Let's Bury the Term Software Engineering.
- 学生们的交谈AgileJournal 的十一月刊,一份敏捷社区的电子杂志,发表了一篇由DarylKulak 撰写的题为“让我们埋葬软件工程这个词语”的文章。
- 8. picture of students talkingThe November issue of The Agile Journal, an e-zine for the Agile community, contained an article by Daryl Kulak titled "Let's Bury the Term Software Engineering.
- 学生们的交谈AgileJournal 的十一月刊,一份敏捷社区的电子杂志,发表了一篇由DarylKulak 撰写的题为“让我们埋葬软件工程这个词语”的文章。