- 1. Turn the knobby thing!
- 快转那个会卷的东西!
- 2. The surface is now slightly knobby and feels a bit grainy.
- 现在表面略有诺比,感觉有点粒状。
- 3. I was still using the Evader's stock knobby tires which were several years old.
- 我还是用强制收兑的股票多节的轮胎这几个岁。
- 4. But with its strong frame, dual shock absorbers, and fat, knobby tires, the Zuma 125 delivers the cool.
- 而且其强健的构架、双减震器和厚重多节的轮胎让这款Zuma 125尽显风头。
- 5. Knobby haystacks dot a wheat field in Malazgirt, Turkey, as sunset bathes two workers in hazy orange light.
- 圆球状的草堆,点缀着土耳其马拉兹·吉尔特的麦田;两名工人沐浴在夕阳下朦胧的、桔黄色的阳光里。
- 6. Underneath the ice spikes meet spikes as an Alaska king crab the size of a nickel crawls over a knobby sea star.
- 冰层之下,一个浑身长满钉子鸦样的只有镍币大小的阿拉斯加王蟹爬过一个多节的海星。
- 7. However, Wenxian knobby newt are suffering from the threats of the extension of tea gardens, firewood, drought and narrowing distribution areas.
- 文县疣螈面临茶园扩张、薪柴、干旱和分布区狭窄的威胁。
- 8. It was his hand that I noticed in detail - the large knobby fingers and stray pen marks on the thumb, as if he'd spent a lot of time taking notes.
- 我留意到他的手,手指关节粗大,拇指还有零星握笔的痕迹,似乎他很长时间都在记录。
- 9. The knobby excrescences at the left side of this vertebral column are due to degenerative osteoarthritis. This is the pronounced "lipping" of the vertebral bodies.
- 左边脊柱多节的赘生物是由退变性骨关节炎引起的。这是椎体明显的“唇形变”。
- 10. Any of various widely distributed, chiefly nocturnal, curlewlike shore birds of the family Burhinidae, having large heads, large yellow eyes, and knobby leg joints.
- 分布广泛的鸻行目呈杓鹬样的海鸟,主要在夜间活动。长有大的头、黄色大眼睛及节结状腿。
- 11. Knobby Knees Siggins: Knobby Knees Siggins is a quiet but incredibly intelligent man. I believe he spends much of his time in the Bolapelo forests researching the flora and fauna.
- 中文意思:KnobbyKneesSiggins是一个比较内向但却非常聪明的人。他花很多时间在Bolapelo的森林研究那儿的动植物。
- 12. Knobby Knees Siggins: Knobby Knees Siggins is a quiet but incredibly intelligent man. I believe he spends much of his time in the Bolapelo forests researching the flora and fauna.
- 中文意思:KnobbyKneesSiggins是一个比较内向但却非常聪明的人。他花很多时间在Bolapelo的森林研究那儿的动植物。