- 1. Chris: Actually, I think it's pretty kitschy, but you gotta love it.
- 克里斯︰实际上,我觉得这蛮俗气的,不过你会爱上它的。
- 2. Lined with red lanterns, "Ghost Street" is kitschy, but still considered a hub for good shopping and great food.
- 内衬红灯笼,“鬼街”虽然是俗气,但仍被视为一个良好的购物和美食中心。
- 3. Its kitschy advertisements, reputation for good customer service and low fares are making a mark on the industry.
- 它以俗气的广告、优质的客服和低廉的票价在航空领域打响了自己的名声。
- 4. But have you thought about the best way to pay the TAB for meals, museum tickets, rental cars, and kitschy mementos?
- 但是,你有想过用哪种最好的方式去付餐费,博物馆门票费,租车费和有点不入流的纪念品费用吗?
- 5. In a kitschy bar in Cambridge, he asked to sit at my table, though later he would insist that I made the first move.
- 在剑桥的一家酒吧,他询问是否可以坐在我旁边,尽管之后他一直都说是我先主动的。
- 6. We are happy to see clean modern lines throughout CityCenter and applaud the lack of the usual kitschy Vegas themes found on the strip.
- 我们很高兴地看到,“城中城”设计简约、现代,少有以往拉斯维加斯酒店设计中的庸俗之气。
- 7. While it, too, is about the intrusion of fairy tales into ordinary life, the show does so in a way that's far more ambitious-and kitschy.
- 虽然它也是关于童话侵入日常生活,但这部剧被用了一种更具野心而娴熟的方式打造。
- 8. Pamuk begins his inquiry with an image, a 7 kitschy portrait of a child brought back from Europe that was hung in the house of his aunt.
- 帕慕克的探索是从他姑妈家墙上的一张相片开始的,那是一张从欧洲带回来的俗气的儿童相片。
- 9. Mattel has given the doll a more modern look, a range of fashionable clothing and is running a new marketing campaign that Mr Dickson says is "kitschy, fun and cool".
- 美泰赋予了芭比更加现代的外表和一系列时尚服饰,并且正在进行一项新的市场推广活动,迪克森形容该活动为“俗气、有趣、很酷”。
- 10. Painted with a traditional Chinese painting technique, these have a delicate, old-fashioned charm; while their contemporary subject matter avoids kitschy evocations of the past.
- 他的画运用国画技巧,具有微妙的、老式的魅力,而画作的当代题材避免了过去俗气的桎梏。
- 11. Go ahead and splurge on something that reminds you of your past, be it a T-shirt with a band's logo, a book you loved as a kid or a kitschy souvenir from your last great vacation.
- 连续和华侈的东西,它提醒你你的过去,无论是一件T -恤,度假带的标记,一本书作为一个宏年夜的爱你从你的最终一个孩子或卑鄙的怀念品。
- 12. He projects all his curiosity into his brain, and relates them using his own interpretation, and they appear on his work as the grotesque, the gaudy and the kitschy, in a riot of colours.
- 他将一切好奇之物纳入大脑,通过主观自我的方式自由地将它们揉合拼接在一起,画布之上呈现出光怪陆离、缤纷夺目的效果。
- 13. This favored stop in Homestead is one man’s kitschy do-it-yourself testament to lost love: Latvian immigrant Ed Leedskalnin dug up over 2.2 million tons of coral rock to build this mock castle.
- 福罗里达州珊瑚城堡:Homestead的这个景点是一个技艺娴熟的男人自己动手见证失去的爱:拉脱维亚移民EdLeedskalnin挖了超过220万吨的珊瑚石建立了这个假的城堡。
- 14. This favored stop in Homestead is one man’s kitschy do-it-yourself testament to lost love: Latvian immigrant Ed Leedskalnin dug up over 2.2 million tons of coral rock to build this mock castle.
- 福罗里达州珊瑚城堡:Homestead的这个景点是一个技艺娴熟的男人自己动手见证失去的爱:拉脱维亚移民EdLeedskalnin挖了超过220万吨的珊瑚石建立了这个假的城堡。