- 1. Dedicate a small shelf or a drawer to lunch things and kit it out with the basics.
- 贡献出一个小架子或一个抽屉来装午餐材料,将基本用品装备齐全。
- 2. Inside the kit are the benchmark facilities for loading the database and driving the benchmark.
- 这个工具包中有用于加载数据库和驱动基准测试程序的一些基准工具。
- 3. Your kit should be waterproof; however, sealing your supplies inside of zipper baggies is usually the job all you need to do.
- 你的急救工具箱必须是防水的;不过,你通常需要做的工作就是密封拉链袋里面的用品。
- 4. In an era when you can simply buy a CubeSat kit off the shelf, how can we trust the satellites over our heads were developed with good intentions by people who knew what they were doing?
- 在一个仅是从货架上就能买到立方体卫星装备的时代,我们怎么能相信头顶上的卫星是那些知道自己所为的人出于善意开发的呢?
- 5. My boyhood hero was Kit Carson.
- 我孩提时的偶像是基特·卡森。
- 6. Christopher is commonly known as Kit.
- 克里斯托弗通常被称为基特。
- 7. Make sure you keep a well-stocked first aid kit ready to deal with any emergency.
- 确保你有一套足够库存的急救用具,随时应对任何突发情况。
- 8. What do the letters "KIT" mean in the text message?
- 这条短信里的三个字母——“KIT” ——是什么意思?
- 9. It should have good light, a place for your books, and your homework "tool kit".
- 它应该有良好的光线,有一个放书的地方,和你的家庭作业“工具箱”。
- 10. We decided to collect as many school supplies as possible, and make them into kits—one kit, one child.
- 我们决定收集尽可能多的学校用品,并把它们做成文具包——一个孩子一套。
- 11. —Mike, can you tell me the meaning of the letters "KIT"? —Don't you know that? They stand for "keep in touch".
- ——迈克,你能告诉我字母“KIT”的意思吗? ——你不知道吗?它们代表着“保持联系”。
- 12. When I saw the various supplies we had collected, it hit me that every kit we were to build that day would eventually be in the hands of an Iraqi child.
- 当我看到我们收集的各种物品时,我突然想到,我们那天要做的每一个文具包最终都会被送到伊拉克孩子的手中。
- 13. You can simply buy a Cube Sat kit off the shelf.
- 你可以从货架上直接买到一套立方体卫星设备。
- 14. Third, bring a first aid kit and know how to use it.
- 第三,带一个急救箱并知道如何使用。
- 15. You should keep a first-aid kit in your home just in case there is an accident.
- 你应该在家里放一个急救箱,以防发生事故。
- 16. Here's the most basic computer maintenance kit that I think any user should have.
- 这是我认为任何用户都应该拥有的最基本的计算机维护工具。
- 17. FAO gives her a garden starter kit: hoe, machete, watering can and vegetable seeds.
- 粮农组织送给她一套基本园艺工具:锄头、砍刀、水桶和蔬菜种子。
- 18. The third Speedlight SB-80DX acted as hair light. To get a softer light, I used Speedlight Pro Kit Softbox.
- 第三盏闪光灯SB-80DX充当发灯。为了获得更柔和的光线,我使用了热靴灯柔光箱套装。
- 19. They also found that the group using the hands-free kit made 83% more errors in their tasks than those who were not talking.
- 他们还发现,使用免提设备的小组在执行任务时比不使用免提设备的小组多犯83%的错误。
- 20. He sang his invocations in a beautiful oaken tenor with a freckle-faced boy at his side playing conga and tambourine as if it was a full drum kit.
- 他唱着自己的调调,在一个美丽的橡木男高音的雀斑脸的男孩在他身边用康加舞和铃鼓伴奏,仿佛这是一个充满鼓声音的箱子。
- 21. He couldn't avoid that in this phase of the making of his thought of that movie, that he couldn't go on with the excuse that his make-up kit was lost.
- 他无法避免在这个阶段发表他对电影的看法,他不能再以他的化妆箱丢了为借口。
- 22. In situations like that, you think longingly of the air rage "restraint kit"—handcuffs and strong plastic tape—carried on every plane in case of emergency.
- 在像那样的情况下,你一定非常想要一套防止空中愤怒的“枷锁套件”——手铐和结实的塑料胶带——以防万一,应每机必备。
- 23. Schools or teachers who sign up for the National Math Club receive a kit full of activities and resources, but there's no special teacher training and no competition attached.
- 报名参加囯家数学俱乐部的学校或教师会收到一整套活动方案和学习资源,但没有专门的教师培训,也没有附加的比赛。
- 24. A ready-to-use Java development kit is for its STM32 microcontrollers.
- 一个现成的 Java开发套件用于 STM32 微控制器。
- 25. The kit comprises the following main components: phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase, pyruvate dehydrogenase and a stabilizer.
- 该试剂盒包含以下主要成分:磷酸烯醇丙酮酸羧化酶,丙酮酸脱氢酶和稳定剂。
- 26. There are five pieces of luggage, not counting the medical kit.
- 一共5件行李,药箱除外。
- 27. Access point development kit.
- 接入点开发工具包。
- 28. By the end, we had a drum kit.
- 最后,我们有了一个鼓套件。
- 29. The model comes with the Kit.
- 该模型配备在工具包中了。
- 30. This kit presently costs US$895.
- 此工具包目前售价为 895 美元。