- 1. There are three main modes of perceiving: visual, auditory and kinesthetic.
- 我们有三种主要的感受器:视觉、听觉和动觉。
- 2. If the negative thought is visual or kinesthetic, you can use a similar process.
- 如果这种消极思想是图像式的或是身体知觉式的,你也可以用与此相似的方法。
- 3. Kinesthetic - This is experience and hands-on practice that's either real or simulated.
- 动觉——这是体验和动手实践,要么是真实的要么就是模拟的。
- 4. This is something that can help kinesthetic learners retain what they need to know.
- 这可以帮助动觉型学习者记住他们需要知道的东西。
- 5. You probably shouldn't choose a kinesthetic learner - someone who needs to be moving to learn.
- 那么你就不应该选择一个触觉型学习者,这种人需要动起来才能学习。
- 6. Then when you ask a question, if you're kinesthetic you'll get a feeling of going left or right.
- 当你问一个问题的时候,如果你是感觉系的,就会觉得向左或向右的感觉。
- 7. Thus, some children who are actually kinesthetic learners may be mislabelled as having ADD or ADHD.
- 因此,有些动觉型学习者会被定义为注意力不集中或者是多动症。
- 8. Three Main learning types: There are three different learning types: Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic.
- 有3种主要的学习模式:有三种不同的学习模式:视觉型、听觉型和动觉型。
- 9. In many cases the thought will manifest as a combination of all three (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic).
- 在很多情况下,这些念头会以三者结合的方式出现(图像、声音和知觉)。
- 10. There are many different schemes of learning styles in addition to the visual, auditory and kinesthetic model.
- 除了视觉、听觉和动觉模式以外,还有许多不同学习方式的组合。
- 11. The body's kinesthetic intellect is closely related to the sports performance and ability of ball game players.
- 球类运动员的运动行为和能力与十分发达的身体—动觉智能有关。
- 12. For the auditory, visual, kinesthetic and tactile, we should take full advantage of different cognitive styles.
- 听觉型-视觉型-动觉型-触觉型学习者,训练策略应是充分发挥各自的认知优势,因势利导。
- 13. If the negative thought is visual (a mental image) or kinesthetic (a gut feeling), you can use a similar process.
- 如果这种消极思想是图像式的(脑海中的图像)或是身体知觉式的(内脏不舒服),你也可以用与此相似的方法。
- 14. You have to figure out for yourself if you are more of a visual learner, an auditory learner or a kinesthetic/tactile learner.
- 你得清楚自己到底是属于视觉学习者,听觉学习者,还是触觉学习者。
- 15. Inpiduals learn better when they receive information in their preferred learning style, whether auditory, visual or kinesthetic.
- 个人以自己喜欢的学习方式接收信息时,学习效果更好,无论他们使用的是听觉、视觉还是动觉。
- 16. We study SMIS from point of view of combining schema with kinesthetic intelligence, that is, Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligent Schema(BKIS).
- 从图 式理论和人体的动觉智能结合的角度研究动觉智能图 式。
- 17. The problem is that while SOME people with autism are visual learners, many are actually kinesthetic, mathematical, musical or naturalist learners.
- 但问题是有些自闭症患者是视觉型学习者,而很多实际上是动觉型、数学型、音乐型或自然观察型学习者。
- 18. Some people (kinesthetics) find to very easy to tune into their feelings, but truly kinesthetic people account for less than 15% of the population.
- 有些人(kinesthetics)很容易找到,以调整到自己的感情,但真正的动觉的人占不到15 %的人口。
- 19. If you're one of these kinesthetic learners, get out a few things to anticipate an "ants in your pants" issue: a pen, a rubber band, and a ball.
- 如果你也是触觉型学习者,可以准备一些东西来应付你的坐立不安:钢笔、橡皮筋和球。
- 20. Take playing an instrument: musical, bodily kinesthetic and intrapersonal intelligences are all brought to bear in effectively playing the instrument.
- 以演奏乐器为例:在演奏乐器时,需要有效运用音乐智能、肢体-动觉智能、自我认知等智能。
- 21. Chiropractors traditionally have relied on their kinesthetic sense during palpation of the spine to assess for presumed intersegmental spinal mobility.
- 脊医传统上一直依赖推定节间的流动性脊椎动觉的感觉就在他们的脊椎,以触诊评估。
- 22. Are you a thinker and need quiet time to process things? You probably shouldn't choose a kinesthetic learner - someone who needs to be moving to learn.
- 你是那种思考型,并且需要安静地处理事情的人么?那么你就不应该选择一个触觉型学习者,这种人需要动起来才能学习。
- 23. You cannot compare the wiring of Michael Jordan's brain (a kinesthetic intelligence) to that of a Frank Lloyd Wright (spatial) or a Walt Whitman (linguistic).
- 你不能将迈克尔·乔丹(擅长动觉智力)的大脑和弗兰克·劳埃德·怀特(擅长空间智力)的大脑或是沃尔特·惠特曼的(擅长语言的)来进行比较。
- 24. An overview of the shape memory alloy addressed its shape memory effect in fancy yarns and kinesthetic fabrics and its application to functional textiles.
- 综述形状记忆合金在各种花式纱线、动感织物中的形状记忆效果,在各种功能织物中的应用。
- 25. Objective To study the topographic localization of kinesthetic cells in the interior segment of globus pallidus(GPi) and its significance for pallidotomy.
- 目的研究苍白球内侧部运动觉细胞空间位置排列及其在苍白球毁损术中的意义。
- 26. Objective To study the topographic localization of kinesthetic cells in the interior segment of globus pallidus(GPi) and its significance for pallidotomy.
- 目的研究苍白球内侧部运动觉细胞空间位置排列及其在苍白球毁损术中的意义。