- 1. The kettle needs a new element.
- 这个电壶需要一根新电热丝。
- 2. Steam rose from the boiling kettle.
- 壶里的水开了,冒着蒸汽。
- 3. Someone went upstairs and brought down a huge kettle.
- 有人上楼拿下来一个巨大的水壶。
- 4. She emptied both their mugs and switched on the electric kettle.
- 她倒空了他们俩的杯子,然后打开了电水壶。
- 5. Use a kettle with an automatic cut-out so it doesn't boil for longer than necessary.
- 使用一个有断流器的水壶,这样水开后它会自动断电。
- 6. I bought a new kettle yesterday.
- 我昨天买了一个新水壶。
- 7. Keep the kettle at the boil.
- 使水壶里的水保持沸腾。
- 8. The boiling water bubbled furiously in the kettle.
- 开水在壶里翻滚。
- 9. Some seniors would even carry a tea kettle when they travel.
- 有些老人甚至在旅行时带着茶壶。
- 10. With a thin scream, like a tea-kettle whistle, the medusa starts to descend.
- 随着一声像茶壶煮开了水那样的微弱的叫声,水母开始下降。
- 11. With the kettle of boiling water in her hand, she moved quietly toward the front door.
- 她手里拿着一壶开水,悄悄地朝前门走去。
- 12. The stuff in the car would include a kettle, a dish, a blanket, a chair, a bucket and an axe.
- 车上的东西包括一个壶、一个盘子、一条毯子、一把椅子、一个提桶和一把斧头。
- 13. I don't know anyone who would like a green cashmere jumper with a matching kettle and toaster.
- 我不知道谁会喜欢一件绿色开司米针织套衫搭配一把水壶和一台吐司炉。
- 14. At the upper end of the scale, two searches create roughly the same emissions as boiling a kettle.
- 在规模的最高端,两次搜索所产生的排放量与烧水壶的排放量大致相同。
- 15. At the upper end of the scale, two searches create roughly the same emissions as boiling a kettle.
- 在规模的最高端,两次搜索所产生的排放量与烧水壶的排放量大致相同。
- 16. In the course of serving tea, the host should take careful note of how much water remaining in the kettle and in the cups of the guests.
- 在上茶的过程中,主人要注意茶壶和客人的茶杯里还剩多少水。
- 17. I'll put the kettle on for tea.
- 我来烧壶水好沏茶。
- 18. The kettle began to whistle.
- 烧水壶呜呜地响了起来。
- 19. I'll boil the kettle and make some tea.
- 我来烧壶开水泡点茶。
- 20. I'll put the kettle on and make us some tea.
- 我来烧壶水给咱们沏点儿茶。
- 21. When the adverts came on I got up to put the kettle on.
- 电视播放广告时,我起身去烧了壶水。
- 22. He had nothing to do but boil the kettle and make the tea.
- 他除了烧开水和沏茶以外无事可做。
- 23. She lifted the kettle a little and tilted its spout over the tea-pot.
- 她稍稍提起烧水壶,将壶嘴向茶壶倾斜。
- 24. Banking today is a very different kettle of fish from the industry of the past.
- 如今的银行业与过去的已是两码事了。
- 25. For example, Russians use a special kettle called a samovar.
- 例如,俄罗斯人使用一种叫做茶炊的特殊水壶。
- 26. Steam is rising from the kettle.
- 蒸气正从水壶里冒出来。
- 27. Have you put the kettle on the stove?
- 你把水壶放在炉子上了吗?
- 28. The kettle (on the fire) is nearly dry. Put some more water in it, quick.
- 壶要烧干了,赶快续水。
- 29. The pot calls the kettle black.
- 锅笑壶黑。 (以五十步笑百步。)
- 30. The pot calls the kettle black.
- 锅笑壶黑。 (以五十步笑百步。)