- 1. Three vellum note books contain her "Juvenilia" -the stories and poems she wrote as a teenager.
- 有三本羊皮纸笔记记录了她的“少女之作”——她在青少年时期写的故事与诗歌。
- 2. Even as a child, without any prompting from others, I wanted to be a writer and, indeed, I turned out a good deal of the usual juvenilia.
- 就算是在少年时期,在没有任何外界刺激的情况之下,我仍然想要成为一名作家,并且,我也实实在在的把自己的注意力转向了大量的阅读少年读物。
- 3. Declining Years "image, the archetype of Zhang Ailing's story character, appeared first in her prose Declining Years, which was her juvenilia."
- “迟暮”意象是张爱玲小说人物的原型。它最早出现在作者少年时的散文习作《迟暮》中。
- 4. Juvenilia " and moved from London to Paris, where she wrote an autobiographical screenplay, about a sinister older man pursuing a girl, and got her first agent."
- 她从伦敦搬到巴黎,在那里她写了一个自传体剧本,讲一个居心叵测的老男人如何追求一个女孩,并成了她的第一个经纪人。
- 5. Juvenilia " and moved from London to Paris, where she wrote an autobiographical screenplay, about a sinister older man pursuing a girl, and got her first agent."
- 她从伦敦搬到巴黎,在那里她写了一个自传体剧本,讲一个居心叵测的老男人如何追求一个女孩,并成了她的第一个经纪人。